
Artikelart: News

Transmission system operators welcome the desire for a new departure in energy policy in the coalition agreement presented

The transmission system operators welcome the declared goal of the coalition partners to make hydrogen an essential building block of the energy transition and to initiate the necessary steps to this end. As announced in the coalition agreement, this includes creating the necessary framework conditions, including efficiently designed funding programs, for the committed development of the hydrogen infrastructure, as well as accelerating the planning and approval processes for faster realization of hydrogen networks. “We can fully endorse the coalition partners’ clear commitment to ‘electricity and hydrogen networks as the backbone of the energy system’,” makes Inga Posch, FNB Gas Managing Director, clear.

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Transmission system operators can guarantee transport despite tight market situation

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Market partners report strong increase in demand for hydrogen and green gases

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“Germany will not become world champion with Altmaier’s hydrogen network draft!”

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas Network Development Plan becomes German transparency platform for hydrogen market ramp-up

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas TSOs start to prepare Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas transmission system operators launch second part of the consultation

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new transmission capacities to be created

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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