New gas infrastructure for hydrogen and methane in line with demand

Gas TSOs start to prepare Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032

  • Survey on projects addressing the production of and demand for hydrogen and other green gases
  • Survey on capacity reservations pursuant to Section 38 GasNZV and capacity expansion claims pursuant to Section 39 GasNZV

In January 2021, the gas transmission system operators (TSOs) will launch a market survey that will allow them to develop their infrastructure for hydrogen and methane in line with demand.

Following the first-time inclusion of hydrogen and other green gases (synthetic methane) in the Gas NDP 2020 (for the period from 2020 to 2030), the TSOs will now launch their second market partner survey in January 2021 which is aimed at companies, project managers and distribution system operators. With this new market partner survey, the TSOs are laying the foundations for a transparent platform for network users and operators.

“The first step for us will be to obtain an overview of ongoing green gas (synthetic methane and biomethane) projects in Germany so that we can take their needs into account for the upcoming Gas NDP 2022-2032. Adjacent projects in neighbouring countries that have an impact on Germany should also be reported,” says Inga Posch, Managing Director of FNB Gas e.V. “We know that in some neighbouring countries, hydrogen projects in particular are taking giant strides and we very much hope that it won’t be long before the necessary legal and regulatory framework is in place that will allow the development of a hydrogen infrastructure in the first place. Otherwise, knowing about our customers’ needs will be of no use to us,” Posch continued.

Market participants can also report capacity reservations pursuant to Section 38 GasNZV and capacity expansion claims pursuant to Section 39 GasNZV for storage, LNG and production facilities as well as gas-fired power plants so they can be considered for the consultation document of the Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032 next year. As in the previous network development plan processes, transparent criteria will be published to allow these projects to be included in the consultation document of the Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032. In January, the TSOs will publish the deadlines for capacity reservations pursuant to Section 38 GasNZV and capacity expansion claims pursuant to Section 39 GasNZV, as well as for reporting hydrogen and other green gas projects to be considered in the consultation document of the Scenario Framework for the NDP Gas 2022-2032.

The TSOs plan to publish and consult on the Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032 in the coming year. The Scenario Framework to be confirmed by BNetzA will form the basis for modelling the Gas NDP 2022-2032.


Press release
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