About FNB Gas
FNB Gas is the association of gas transmission operators in Germany
We coordinate the professional exchange and inform politics and the public.
FNB Gas on the draft of the “Determination of FSV higher utilization”
As many transmission system operators are affected by electromagnetic interference as a result of increased utilization of the electricity grids, FNB Gas e.V. has commented on the draft specification on behalf of its member companies as follows:
Read moreManager (f/m/d) Network Development Gas and Hydrogen
At our location in the heart of Berlin, we are looking to strengthen our small, dedicated team as soon as possible with a Manager (f/m/d) for Gas and Hydrogen Network Regulation
Read moreRecommendations for the 2025 federal election
Our new position paper on the Bundestag elections outlines recommendations for action for the next federal government. The success of the energy transition is also decisive for Germany as a business location and the competitiveness of German industry.
Read moreDr. Thomas Gößmann re-elected as Chairman of the FNB Gas Executive Board
The Association of Gas Transmission System Operators (FNB Gas) has re-elected Dr. Thomas Gößmann, Managing Director of Thyssengas GmbH, as Chairman of the Executive Board for the next two years at its General Meeting.
Read moreFNB Gas on the “Import strategy for hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives”
FNB Gas welcomes the German government's "Import Strategy for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives" (July 2024) on this fundamental aspect of the hydrogen ramp-up.
Read moreFNB Gas on the key points for a Power Plant Safety Act
FNB Gas is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the planned Power Plant Safety Act (KWSG), which was presented by the Federal Government as part of the growth package for the economy.
Read moreGreen light for Europe’s largest hydrogen network
A milestone for the energy transition: The Federal Network Agency today approved the construction of the Germany-wide hydrogen core network.
Read moreFNB Gas on the future design of the productivity factor (Xgen)
In our statement, we support the position of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) and also make points that reflect the special features of natural gas grids.
Read moreFNB Gas calls for improvements to the Hydrogen Acceleration Act
During the hearing on the Hydrogen Acceleration Act (WassBG) in the Committee for Climate Protection and Energy in the German Bundestag, Barbara Fischer, FNB Gas Managing Director, emphasized the importance of acceleration measures for the rapid development of the hydrogen infrastructure.
Read moreFNB Gas on the draft law to amend the EnWG in the area of end customer markets, network expansion and network regulation
The amendments, in particular in Section 49a EnWG, provide clear regulations on the reimbursement of costs for protection and security measures in the event of increased utilization of the grid.
Read moreHydrogen market design: TSOs propose their own cluster exchange model for rapid market ramp-up
The hydrogen market design is taking shape: In their statement, the transmission system operators expressly welcome the Federal Network Agency's (BNetzA) move to establish a basic model for grid access and the balancing model at an early stage.
Read moreFNB Gas on the Key Issues Paper – Methodology definitions for electricity and gas base level
The TSOs criticize the fact that their role in the redesign of the regulatory system has not yet been sufficiently taken into account. They are calling for all aspects of the NEST process to be considered in context and brought together in a coherent overall concept.
Read moreFNB Gas on the draft specification for the adjustment of imputed useful lives and depreciation modalities of natural gas pipeline infrastructures
The transmission system operators (TSOs) welcome the fact that the Federal Network Agency is taking into account the challenges of using the gas network infrastructure in view of the climate targets in the draft "KANU 2.0".
Read moreKey milestone for the hydrogen ramp-up: Transmission system operators submit official application for core network
After intensive planning, the transmission system operators have submitted their joint application for the hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency. They are thus presenting a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient and quickly realizable hydrogen network for approval.
Read moreFNB Gas on the consultation version “BEATE 2.1”
FNB Gas welcomes the opportunity to comment on the consultation of June 24, 2024 on the amendment of decision BK9-18/608 (23.03.2019) regarding BEATE 2.0 and the repeal of decision BK9-20/608 ("BEATE 2.1").
Read moreFNB Gas position paper on the draft bill for the Hydrogen Acceleration Act (WassBG)
Tomorrow, the Bundestag will discuss the Hydrogen Acceleration Act (WassBG) at first reading. The law is crucial for the start and success of the hydrogen economy, because without infrastructure, an essential foundation for the hydrogen market is missing.
Read moreCurrent challenges and solutions from the perspective of the FNB
FNB Gas welcomes the BMWK's consultation on the "Draft law to accelerate the availability of hydrogen and to amend further legal framework conditions for the hydrogen ramp-up".
Read moreNetwork operators set up coordination office for integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen
The newly established Coordination Office for Integrated Gas and Hydrogen Network Development Planning (KO.NEP) officially starts work today.
Read moreSignificant easing of the supply situation
After the crisis winter of 2022/2023, the transmission system operators can look back on a more relaxed winter in 2023/2024. The predominantly mild winter temperatures led to lower gas consumption, particularly in the heating market.
Read moreFNB Gas on the “WANDA” draft specification
The transmission system operators expressly welcome and support the BNetzA's approach of creating the necessary regulatory provisions for implementing the financing model of the EnWG draft for the hydrogen core network with the WANDA specification at this point in time.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the BMWK’s draft bill for the Hydrogen Acceleration Act (WassBG)
FNB Gas welcomes the BMWK's consultation on the "Draft law to accelerate the availability of hydrogen and to amend further legal framework conditions for the hydrogen ramp-up".
Read moreFNB Gas on the draft extension of the determination on volatile costs for various aspects of natural gas transportation
The transmission system operators (TSOs) thank you for the opportunity to comment on an extension of the determination of volatile costs for various aspects of natural gas transportation ("VOLKER" - Ref. Bund BK9-22/606-1).
Read moreFNB Gas on the Green Paper Transformation Gas/Hydrogen Distribution Networks of the BMWK
For the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 and the transformation of the energy system by then, gaseous energy sources are the second main pillar of the energy supply alongside renewable electricity generation.
Read moreEnWG amendment casts light and shadow: TSOs recognize improvements to the financing concept, but risks remain high
The forthcoming adoption of the amendment to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) in the German Bundestag creates the legal framework for financing the hydrogen core network and anchors integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen.
Read moreFNB Gas on the agreement of the traffic light coalition on the EnWG amendment
The TSOs are committed to the core grid and remain convinced that the core grid is a necessary prerequisite for the decarbonization of German industry and the economy. Unfortunately, crucial adjustments to the draft law were not taken into account
Read moreFNB Gas on the key points of the depreciation modalities for the gas network transformation
The aim of this regulation must be to ensure the complete refinancing of gas grid investments and to allow sufficient flexibility to allow the imputed useful lives to end before 2045.
Read moreFNB Gas on the draft determination “MARGIT 2025”
FNB Gas welcomes the opportunity to comment in the consultation launched on March 12, 2024 to determine the calculation of multipliers, discounts for interruptible capacities, discounts at LNG terminals and seasonal factors.
Read moreA total of 1724 project applications received
Thank you for your interest in the Germany-wide survey of infrastructure requirements for the electricity and hydrogen grid. 22.03.2024, the reported data has been write-protected and is considered reported.
Read moreTransmission system operators publish the final Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032
The transmission system operators present their plans for a secure and sustainable gas supply in Germany.
Read moreFNB Gas on the BNetzA’s consultation on the further development of the regulatory framework for electricity and gas grids (NEST)
For the transmission system operators, the transformation of the infrastructure has already begun with the planning of the hydrogen core network. In regulatory terms, their implementation will be in full swing by the middle of the 4th regulatory period and the next base year (2025).
Read moreVolume risk assessment report
According to point 10b) of the REGENT 2021 regulation adopted in 2020, the transmission system operators must publish a joint report describing the annual development of capacities and revenues from transmission services compared to the same period of the previous year.
Read moreFNB Gas: Financing model for the hydrogen core network must be suitable for the capital market
In order not to jeopardize the success of core network planning to date, a few decisive changes to the draft legislation are necessary from an investor's perspective. The main aim is to improve the risk assessment for investors.
Read moreHydrogen core network: a signal for the market ramp-up
Hydrogen is a key prerequisite for the decarbonization of industry and thus for Germany as a business location. The energy transition cannot succeed without hydrogen. We therefore need an appropriate infrastructure as quickly as possible.
Read moreTSOs request capacity reservations and capacity expansion entitlements pursuant to sections 38/39 GasNZV for storage, production and LNG facilities and power plants
Preparatory work for the first integrated network development plan for gas and hydrogen 2025 continues to progress
Read moreIntegrated network planning for the energy system of the future: TSOs launch first joint market survey
The first joint survey of infrastructure requirements by the transmission system operators (TSOs) for the preparation of the scenario framework drafts for the electricity, gas and hydrogen network development plans starts today.
Read moreIntegrated network planning for the energy system of the future: First joint market survey by TSOs starts on February 7, 2024
The TSOs are now setting a milestone for sector coupling with the first joint survey of infrastructure requirements for electricity and hydrogen.
Read moreFNB Gas on the draft bill for a law to implement Directive (EU) 2022/2557 and to strengthen the resilience of operators of critical facilities
In principle, FNB Gas welcomes the draft bill of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2022/2557 and to strengthen the resilience of operators of critical facilities (KRITIS-DachG) of December 21, 2023.
Read morePosition paper for necessary adjustments as part of the EnWG amendment to the financing framework for the hydrogen core grid and future integrated grid planning
The financing framework already contains many good and important elements. However, as future core network operators, the transmission system operators consider a few but decisive changes to the proposed regulatory framework to be necessary in order to ensure capital market viability.
Read moreFNB Gas on the interim report of the system development strategy
The TSOs expect clear strategic statements from the SES with regard to infrastructure development. Time that is lost during infrastructure development can no longer be made up.
Read moreThe next big step towards the hydrogen core network
FNB Gas e.V. today submitted the draft application for the hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. "This marks the next milestone in the realization of the core network," emphasizes Barbara Fischer, FNB Gas Managing Director.
Read moreBundestag launches hydrogen core network
On the occasion of the adoption of the Act on the Adaptation of Energy Industry Law to Union Law Requirements and on the Amendment of Further Energy Law Provisions, which the Federal Government presented on May 24, 2023, Barbara Fischer, Managing Director of FNB Gas e.V., explains: "With the
Read moreTransmission system operators on the path towards the hydrogen future
FNB Gas e.V. is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. On this occasion, the association discussed with guests from politics, the energy sector and industry at the hydrogen infrastructure conference how the market ramp-up of hydrogen can be further accelerated together.
Read moreStatement of FNB Gas on the Federal Government’s draft bill on the third law to amend the EnWG (additions to regulations on financing the hydrogen core network)
FNB Gas welcomes the submission of a draft bill for a legal and regulatory framework for financing the hydrogen core network.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the BMWK’s draft bill for a third law amending the Energy Industry Act (EnWG)
FNB Gas welcomes the draft legislation that enshrines the second stage of the development of a Germany-wide hydrogen network in law and thus further supports the acceleration of the hydrogen market ramp-up.
Read moreHydrogen core network: the long-awaited dawn of the hydrogen economy
The hydrogen core network is the starting signal for the hydrogen ramp-up. It solves the so-called chicken-and-egg problem and creates an infrastructure on the basis of which the hydrogen market can develop.
Read moreStatement by FNB Gas on the occasion of the publication of the results report on the GTP 2023
TSOs and DSOs pull together in planning the hydrogen network. It is important that hydrogen infrastructure planning goes hand in hand at all levels. FNB Gas therefore welcomes the fact that hydrogen network planning is also progressing at the distribution network level.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the draft bill on implementing the CER Directive and strengthening the resilience of critical facilities
The past year and a half has brought to light that the protection of Critical Infrastructure (CIP), especially gas infrastructure, is essential for maintaining economic and social life as well as national security.
Read moreChange in management at FNB Gas
After ten years, Ms. Inga Posch will resign from her position as Managing Director at FNB Gas effective August 15, 2023.
Read moreComments on the draft bill to extend the provisions of Part 3a and to amend Section 49b (1) sentence 1 of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG)
The transmission system operators expressly support this approach. It has been shown that the legal regulations are suitable for the safe filling of gas storage facilities in Germany.
Read moreCabinet decision on the National Hydrogen Strategy: „Construction of the core network must begin this year“
The FNB welcomes today's adoption of the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy by the Federal Cabinet. The strategy sets important guidelines for the rapid development of the national hydrogen infrastructure and for its integration into a European network.
Read moreDeparture into the hydrogen economy: TSOs present current planning status for the hydrogen core network as first step for the future hydrogen network
The German hydrogen core network as the first stage of the future hydrogen infrastructure is taking shape: With the planning status published today, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) present a first modeling result for the future supraregional hydrogen core network.
Read moreTransmission system operators publish 2023 implementation report with updated L-H gas conversion planning
In 2022, 17 measures were commissioned or completed. Five expansion measures have been eliminated in the course of modeling the 2022-2032 network development plan. In addition, transmission system operators (TSOs) provide information on modified and delayed measures.
Read morePress statement by FNB Gas on the draft amendment to the Energy Industry Act for the hydrogen core network
The transmission system operators (TSOs) welcome the German government's initiative to now lay the regulatory, antitrust and network planning foundations for the development of the hydrogen core network.
Read moreEffort and cooperation show effect: gas supply passes stress test
Transmission system operators (TSOs) have been instrumental in enabling rapid diversification of supply sources this winter through their network flexibility and ad-hoc measures.
Read moreFNB Gas welcomes the German government’s initiative to create the conditions for the hydrogen core network with the amendment to the EnWG
FNB Gas comments on the draft law on adapting energy law to EU requirements and additions to regulations on the hydrogen core network
Read moreStatement of FNB Gas on the proposed amendments to the REMIT Regulation
The European Commission presented a reform of the European electricity market on March 14, 2023. As part of the reform, EU legislation such as the Electricity Regulation, the Electricity Directive and the REMIT Regulation are to be revised.
Read moreStatement of the FNB Gas on the draft of the BMWK for the adaptation of the energy industry law to the requirements of EU law
On May 1, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection published the draft of the new law on the adaptation of energy law to EU requirements and made it available for consultation until May 5, 2023.
Read moreWith hydrogen to a climate-neutral chemical industry
The final report published yesterday brings to a close the Chemistry4Climate (C4C) project launched two years ago by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI).
Read moreFNB Gas strengthens management with Barbara Fischer
Barbara Fischer (45) was today appointed Managing Director alongside Inga Posch by the General Meeting of the Association of Transmission System Operators Gas e.V. (FNB Gas). Ms. Fischer will take office on May 1, 2023.
Read moreA milestone on the way to the diversification of import sources and permanent independence from Russian gas
Today, the German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) presented their draft Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032, which reflects the fundamental shift in Germany’s energy supply.
Read moreFNB Gas press statement on the agreement in the EU Council on the “General Approach” to the EU gas market package
It is good that, following the European Parliament, the Council has now also spoken out in favor of maintaining the ITO model, which is widespread in Germany, for hydrogen network operators as well.
Read moreVolume risk assessment report
According to paragraph 10b) of Decision BK9-19/610 (REGENT 2021), transmission system operators shall publish a joint report describing the annual development of capacities and revenues from transmission services compared to the same period of the previous year.
Read moreStatement of the FNB Gas on the draft of the BMWK for the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy
The FNB supports the German government's declared goal of accelerating the market ramp-up of hydrogen and its downstream products and massively increasing the level of ambition along the entire value chain by updating the National Hydrogen Strategy.
Read moreInvitation – Consultation Workshop on the German Gas NDP 2022-2032
The German transmission system operators would like to invite you to a web-based workshop on the occasion of the publication of the consultation document on the Network Development Plan Gas 2022-2032.
Read more„National hydrogen grid company would have no discernible added value“
Munich (energate) - With the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy, the Federal Ministry of Economics has proposed the establishment of a hydrogen network company with state participation. Opposition came promptly from the Bavarian state government.
Read moreAcceleration instead of delay of H2 grid development in Bavaria
The plans of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) for a national hydrogen grid company are not comprehensible, as they would slow down the urgently needed development of hydrogen transport networks without any recognizable added value.
Read moreTransmission capacities for LNG facilities help to ensure secure energy supplies
The changes in the German energy landscape have a major impact on gas network development planning. In coordination with the BNetzA, the transmission system operators have taken account of the new challenges with the LNGplus supply security variants.
Read moreGößmann pushes for political decisions in the development of a hydrogen network
The government must now take its foot off the brake when it comes to developing the hydrogen infrastructure. The transmission system operators are ready!
Read moreWait-and-see approach to hydrogen infrastructure development harms Germany as a business location
With the EnSiG, the German government plans to postpone the deadline for submitting a concept for future hydrogen network planning by one year. FNB Gas Managing Director Inga Posch explains why Germany cannot afford any further delay.
Read more“Germany must set the pace for hydrogen ramp-up”
How can the development of the supraregional hydrogen network be financed and accelerated, and what are the network operators doing to ensure that hydrogen can also contribute to energy supply security as quickly as possible?
Read moreDevelopment of the hydrogen infrastructure in Germany at the transmission and distribution network level
On October 25, 2022, a joint webinar was held by FNB Gas with DVGW, VKU, and the "H2vorOrt" initiative. More than 350 interested representatives from politics and authorities, the energy sector as well as business and industry took part in the virtual event.
Read moreConsultation on expanded Scenario Framework for Gas NDP 2022-2032 gets underway
Three new modelling variants (LNGplus security of supply variants) for replacing Russian gas volumes with LNG and hydrogen
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the draft law amending the Energy Assurance Act
FNB Gas statement on the draft law amending the Energy Security Act and other energy industry regulations
Read moreTransmission system operators announce consultation
Three-week consultation on an expanded Scenario Framework commences on 26 September 2022
Read moreTSOs present hydrogen report: This is what we need to successfully develop the hydrogen infrastructure
The hydrogen report submitted today by the transmission system operators shows how the necessary transport infrastructure can be built efficiently, quickly and in a targeted manner by integrating hydrogen network planning into the tried-and-tested gas network planning.
Read moreStatement by FNB Gas on the determination of imputed useful lives of natural gas pipeline structures (“KANU”)
FNB Gas expressly welcomes the fact that the Federal Network Agency intends to create the possibility of reducing the useful lives of gas network investments or making them more flexible by means of the "KANU" definition put out for consultation.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the German government’s concept for implementing the 65 percent target for renewable energies in the installation of new heating systems as of 2024
The grid-based supply of green and climate-neutral gases such as hydrogen and biomethane is an important building block for achieving the medium- and long-term climate targets in the heating market in a socially responsible manner.
Read moreNational Hydrogen Council: Framework conditions for H2 transport and storage must be created this year
Since the publication of the National Hydrogen Strategy last year, the energy industry framework has changed fundamentally. This is what the National Hydrogen Council writes in a new key points paper.
Read moreSpecial times require special measures
Publication of the interim status of the Gas NDP 2022-2032: In recent weeks and months, the TSOs have been working at full speed to provide initial answers to the new gas industry conditions resulting from the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine in the context of the current Gas NDP.
Read moreStatement of the FNB Gas on the storage levy
THE had submitted a concept with a proposed methodology for structuring the storage levy to the Federal Network Agency for approval on May 30, 2022. The TSOs commented on this methodology as part of the BNetzA's consultation process.
Read moreFNB Gas Winter Review 2021/2022 – Historic caesura in natural gas supply
Storage levels at historically low levels, trading prices higher than ever, partial reversal of transport flows: TSOs look back on an extraordinary winter.
Read moreNew stamp fee as of 01.01.2023 for the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE)
For the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE), the transmission system operators have determined the network charge from 01.01.2023 on the basis of the determination REGENT 2021 of the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the draft law to accelerate the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG Act)
Accelerating the use of LNG is absolutely necessary against the backdrop of the current crisis situation in the energy sector.
Read morePostponement of the publication of the gas network development plan 2022-2032
The public will be informed in a timely manner about the further schedule.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on the draft law amending the Energy Security Act 1975 and other laws (EnSiG amendment)
The amendment of the Energy Security Act is absolutely necessary against the background of the current crisis situation in the energy sector.
Read moreFNB Gas statement on EU methane legislation
BDEW, BVEG, DVGW, FNB Gas, VKU and Zukunft Gas welcome pledge of more than 100 countries to reduce methane emissions at the climate conference in Glasgow (COP26).
Read morePipeline network infrastructures for the development of the potential German hydrogen network within the NEP Gas 2022-2032.
As of March 18, 2022, the TSOs have received 218 relevant reports for modeling through 2032.
Read moreFNB Gas Statement on the introduction of level specifications for gas storage facilities
It is right and important to make provisions for next winter's gas supply in the current situation.
Read moreFNB Gas Position on the EU Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package
The TSOs welcome in principle that the European Commission, within the framework of its proposals for the internal markets for renewable gases and natural gas as well as hydrogen, wants to create the mandatory and timely necessary regulatory framework for the ramp-up of the hydrogen market in the EU.
Read moreStart of modeling of the hydrogen variant in the NDP Gas 2022-2032
On March 21, the modeling for the hydrogen variant will be started by potential hydrogen network operators who have participated in the process development of the positive planning and/or have reported pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen transport as well as the transmission system operators.
Read moreCall for cooperation for the initial preparation of the hydrogen report in accordance with Section 28q EnWG
Pursuant to Section 28q EnWG, the TSOs, together with the opt-in H2 network operators, have the obligation to submit a report to the BNetzA by 1.9.2022 at the latest on the current expansion status of the hydrogen network and on the development of a future hydrogen network planning with the target year 2035.
Read moreTransformation of transmission networks: arteries of the climate-neutral future
The gas infrastructure is a prerequisite for efficient and thus socially acceptable climate protection and will remain the guarantor of a secure energy supply in the future energy system.
Read moreVolume risk assessment report
According to paragraph 10b) of Decision BK9-19/610 (REGENT 2021), transmission system operators shall publish a joint report describing the annual development of capacities and revenues from transmission services compared to the same period of the previous year.
Read moreOfficer (m/f/d) for the area of “Communication with a focus on social media”.
To strengthen our team in Berlin, we are looking for a part-time (20 hours per week) speaker (m/f/d) for the area of "Communication with a focus on social media" as soon as possible. The position is limited to 2 years.
Read moreStatement of FNB Gas on the publication of DENA Network Study III
In principle, the TSOs support DENA's proposals for an upstream system development plan. Such a process is suitable for aligning network planning more closely with the target picture in the future and for placing the scenario frameworks for the electricity and gas networks on a common basis.
Read moreDevelopment of the future German hydrogen network within the framework of the hydrogen variant of the Gas NDP 2022-2032.
TSOs extend the call for data on existing and concrete planned pipeline network infrastructures and invite to elaborate a process for joint development of the future hydrogen network in the framework of Gas NDP 2022-2032
Read morePublication of draft Gas NDP 2022-2032 scheduled for July 1, 2022.
The transmission system operators (TSOs) intend to publish the draft gas network development plan for 2022-2032 on July 1, 2022, and submit it to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).
Read moreTransmission system operators see private investment in hydrogen infrastructure development in jeopardy: new EU legislation must not create hurdles to decarbonization
The transmission system operators (TSOs) are very critical of the planned regulations on ownership unbundling.
Read moreHydrogen Network 2030: Towards a Climate-Neutral Germany
With the Hydrogen Network 2030 (in short: H2 Net 2030), the transmission system operators (TSOs) show solutions how transport needs can be met promptly on a supra-regional basis in the case of dynamic development of the hydrogen market.
Read moreHydrogen network 2050: for a climate-neutral Germany
With the hydrogen network for a climate-neutral Germany (H2 network 2050), the transmission system operators (TSOs) are demonstrating that they can construct such a network efficiently and reliably at moderate investment costs.
Read moreTransmission system operators welcome the desire for a new departure in energy policy in the coalition agreement presented
The TSOs welcome the coalition's declared aim of making hydrogen an essential building block of the energy transition and taking the necessary steps to achieve this.
Read moreLarge hydrogen demand confirmed by MoU
The reports on the WEB show the concrete capacity requirements for the transport of hydrogen in the market up to the year 2032.
Read moreFirst international agreement to significantly reduce methane emissions is a major step forward
BDEW, BVEG, DVGW, FNB Gas, VKU and Zukunft Gas welcome pledge of more than 100 countries to reduce methane emissions at the climate conference in Glasgow (COP26).
Read moreTransmission system operators can guarantee transport despite tight market situation
The transmission system operators (TSOs) will continue to ensure reliable gas transport in the winter of 2021/2022.
Read moreStatement of the FNB Gas on the H2 Regulation
The transmission system operators submitted comments on the draft ordinance on costs and charges for access to hydrogen networks as part of the associations' consultation process.
Read moreMarket partners report strong increase in demand for hydrogen and green gases
The Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2032 published today by the German transmission system operators (TSOs) stresses the importance of integrating hydrogen, biomethane and synthetic methane into the gas infrastructure.
Read moreEuropean Commission’s consultations on the Hydrogen and Gas Markets Decarbonisation Package
FNB Gas representing the German Gas TSOs welcomes the EU Commission’s initiative. As gas transmission system operators (TSOs), we are fully committed to the ambitious targets of the European Green Deal and the European Hydrogen Strategy and are eager to contribute to the energy transition with our gas infrastructure.
Read moreEU conformity of joint network charges for natural gas/H2 March 2021 confirmed
The FNB Gas has commissioned a legal opinion to investigate the compatibility of joint network charges for natural gas and hydrogen networks with EU law.
Read moreFNB Gas position paper on the draft law regulating pure hydrogen networks in energy law
The transmission system operators (TSOs) very much welcome the fact that the urgency to create a regulatory framework for hydrogen networks has been recognized and that the first legal foundations for pure hydrogen networks are being laid.
Read more“Germany will not become world champion with Altmaier’s hydrogen network draft!”
Despite the proposals of the Federal Council and to the disappointment of the sector and industry, Peter Altmaier is presenting a concept that amounts to completely separate planning and financing of the two networks.
Read moreStatement by FNB Gas on the current draft bill for transitional regulation of H2 networks
The transmission system operators (TSOs) welcome the fact that the German government has recognized the urgency of creating a regulatory framework for hydrogen networks and has submitted a draft bill for consultation.
Read moreGas Network Development Plan becomes German transparency platform for hydrogen market ramp-up
The German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) have launched a survey on the production of and demand for hydrogen and green gases and on capacity reservations/expansion claims.
Read moreNetwork Development Plans
We plan the network infrastructure for a secure gas supply
TSOs shall submit an integrated plan for network development every two years. It describes the path to a secure, environmentally compatible, and economical supply of natural gas in the future.
Hydrogen Network
Today’s natural gas customer is tomorrow’s hydrogen customer
Hydrogen is central to making our energy system fit for the future. Without it, decarbonisation of the industry, transport, and buildings sectors is inconceivable.
Security of Supply
We bring natural gas to where it is needed
Together with natural gas supply companies, traders, and storage operators, the TSOs ensure a secure and reliable gas supply for industry, commerce, and households.
Energy Future
We work for the success of the energy transition
Hydrogen, renewable, and decarbonised gas play a central role in the climate-neutral energy system of the future. This is what the TSOs are preparing their infrastructure for.