The Coordination Office for Integrated Network Development Planning Gas and Hydrogen (KO.NEP) coordinates the preparation of the scenario frameworks and network development plans for gas and hydrogen by the obligated network operators and submits them to the Federal Network Agency every two years.
KO.NEP acts as a central point of contact for authorities and market participants on issues relating to network development planning in the gas and hydrogen sector. It is also responsible for creating and operating the legally required databases for the gas and hydrogen network.
The KO.NEP also offers a central platform for the development of coordinated planning processes with the gas distribution networks and the electricity transmission system operators.

The tasks of KO.NEP listed above are regulated in Section 15a of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). Accordingly, all transmission system operators and all regulated operators of hydrogen transport networks can participate in the establishment and fulfillment of the tasks of the coordination body in an equal and non-discriminatory manner.
News and information on the KO.NEP and the integrated network development plan for gas and hydrogen are available on the KO.NEP website.