Security of Supply
FNB Gas on the key points for a Power Plant Safety Act
FNB Gas is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the planned Power Plant Safety Act (KWSG), which was presented by the Federal Government as part of the growth package for the economy. The two consultation documents of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) on the promotion of hydrogen-capable gas-fired power plants and controllable capacities provide an important impetus for the implementation of Germany’s climate targets.
To connect these power plants, which are important for the success of the energy transition, the transmission system operators ensure a secure energy supply with their reliable and future-proof grids, initially by transporting methane and later hydrogen.
Against this background, FNB Gas welcomes the planned measures and emphasizes the following:
- If possible, new power plants should be connected without any major additional expansion of the methane infrastructure.
- In the long term, the new power plants should be supplied via the hydrogen transport infrastructure.
- The distance to the hydrogen core network alone should not be an exclusion criterion; the decisive factor is the availability of sufficient capacity at the respective connection point.
From a gas network planning perspective, these points are essential in order to ensure a secure and sustainable energy supply in the future.
Our statement is available in the downloads.