Hydrogen ramp-up

FNB Gas on the “Import strategy for hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives”

FNB Gas welcomes the German government’s “Import Strategy for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives” (July 2024) on this fundamental aspect of the hydrogen ramp-up. It will not be possible to meet the demand for hydrogen in Germany without imports. In this respect, the import strategy contains many important aspects that we as an association support.

The planning for the now approved hydrogen core network also takes into account the need for imports. In order to promote hydrogen imports and thus the ramp-up, the transmission system operators suggest taking a broader approach with the strategy. In particular, there is further potential in the areas of infrastructure, foreign trade and EU coordination to enable hydrogen imports. These include:

  • Development of diversified import corridors based on the hydrogen core network
  • Further development of the financial framework conditions for import projects
  • Adoption of pragmatic criteria for the production of hydrogen and the use of blue hydrogen
  • Differentiation of foreign trade instruments for the hydrogen ramp-up
  • Advancing the register of guarantees of origin and certifications

In addition, the strategy should understand the hydrogen ramp-up more in the overall European context. The demand for a greater role for the EU as a global player and a strengthening of the EU internal energy market in particular offer great opportunities for member states such as Germany and their energy industry players.

Our information paper is available in the downloads.


Information paper H2 import strategy
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