Scenario Framework 2022

26.09.2022 | Consultation

Consultation on expanded Scenario Framework for Gas NDP 2022-2032 gets underway

  • Three new modelling variants (LNGplus security of supply variants) for replacing Russian gas volumes with LNG and hydrogen
  • Updated natural gas demand forecasts for the LNGplus variants
  • 30 September 2022: Deadline for capacity reservation and network expansion requests for LNG facilities (sections 38 and 39 of Gas Network Access Ordinance – GasNZV)
  • 16 October 2022: Deadline for comments on the expanded Scenario Framework

“The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has fundamentally changed the parameters of the gas sector. Greater diversification of gas sources, for example through LNG, and a rapid switch from natural gas to hydrogen will be key to drastically reducing dependence on Russian natural gas or even completely replacing Russian gas volumes,” said Inga Posch, FNB Gas Managing Director on the occasion of the publication of the consultation document on the expanded Scenario Framework. “These changes have an impact on natural gas supply and demand and hence inevitably on network planning. We are taking these developments into account by adding three security of supply variants to the Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032,” Posch continued.

As announced previously, the gas transmission system operators are today starting the consultation on the expanded Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 in accordance with section 15a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The new LNGplus security of supply variants proposed by the amendment envisage the complete replacement of Russian natural gas by LNG, additional volumes at cross-border interconnection points and hydrogen, and are based on adjusted demand forecasts.

Market participants can submit written comments on the scenario framework as of today. Market participants now have until 16 October 2022 to submit their comments on the Scenario Framework by e-mail to in a format suitable for electronic processing If any particular comment or parts of a statement made are not intended to be passed on to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) or if statements are not meant to be published, the consultation participant must indicate this accordingly.

Capacity reservation requests in accordance with section 38 and expansion requests in accordance with section 39 of the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) for LNG facilities must be submitted to the relevant gas TSOs by 30 September 2022 in order to be incorporated into the amended Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032. Nur dann können sie im ergänzten Szenariorahmen zum NEP Gas 2022-2032 Berücksichtigung finden.

The NDP consultation document is expected to be published at the end of 2022.


Press Release Start Conultation expanded SF for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 181 kB
Press Release Start Conultation on SF for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 179 kB
Supplement to Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 281 kB
Supplement to Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 303 kB
16.09.2022 | Consultation

Gas transmission system operators announce consultation on an expanded Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032

  • Three new modelling variants (LNGplus) for replacing Russian natural gas with LNG and hydrogen
  • Updated demand forecasts for natural gas for LNGplus
  • Three-week consultation on an expanded Scenario Framework commences on 26 September 2022
  • Deadline for capacity reservation and network expansion requests for LNG facilities expires on 30 September 2022

The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has fundamentally changed the parameters of the gas sector. Greater diversification of gas sources, for example through LNG, and a rapid switch from natural gas to hydrogen will be key to drastically reducing dependence on Russian natural gas or even completely replacing Russian gas volumes. These changes will have an impact on gas supply and demand and hence inevitably on network planning.

The gas transmission system operators (TSOs) therefore consider it necessary to add three modelling variants (LNGplus) to the Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032, which was already confirmed in January 2022, and to facilitate the complete replacement of Russian natural gas volumes with LNG and hydrogen as well as adjust the demand forecasts for this purpose.

In order to achieve the network expansions required for security of supply as quickly as possible despite the current challenging situation, the additions to the scenario framework and modelling variants were discussed with the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) ahead of the consultation. The next step will now be for the gas TSOs to submit their expanded Scenario Framework for consultation in accordance with section 15a of the German Energy industry Act (EnWG).

This consultation will start on 26 September and end on 16 October. This deadline reflects the fact that time is of the essence for these new variants. The process was also coordinated with the Federal Network Agency.

The gas TSOs wish to point out that capacity reservation requests in accordance with section 38 and expansion requests in accordance with section 39 of the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) for LNG facilities must be submitted to the relevant gas TSOs by 30 September 2022 in order to be incorporated into the expanded Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032.

Press Release: TSOs announce conultation on SF for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 176 kB
Press Release TSOs announce conultation on SF for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 176 kB
20.01.2022 | Confirmation

BNetzA confirms the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032

After confirmation of the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 by the Federal Network Agency, the transmission system operators will start preparing the NEP Gas 2022-2032 in the next step.

Scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 6 MB
Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 6 MB
Executive summary of the Gas NDP 2022-2032 scenario framework
PDF / 3 MB
Executive Summary to the Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032
PDF / 3 MB
21.09.2021 | Draft

FNB publishes hydrogen maps: hydrogen will be produced and consumed here in the future.

The increasing importance of hydrogen in decarbonization was highlighted in the recent Hydrogen Demand and Generation” (WEB) market survey by the TSOs. The results have already been published in the draft document of the 2022-2032 scenario framework. Now FNB Gas presents mapped representations of reported hydrogen injection and withdrawal. This shows how important it is to develop a transport infrastructure for hydrogen.


Inga Posch, Managing Director of FNB Gas, commented:

“The TSOs’ WEB market survey of hydrogen projects to identify a potential hydrogen network has revealed a significant increase in the production and demand of hydrogen in Germany up to 2032 and beyond.

The high demand reports show that the market partners see hydrogen as the future of energy supply and are already planning for it now. Hydrogen offers huge potential to quickly realize CO2 reductions and transform the energy system in an economically efficient way. Our network lays the basis and foundation for this. In order for network operators to get started, we need the right framework conditions. Our investment decisions, but above all those of market participants, depend on this.

The hydrogen projects with connections to the long-distance pipeline network are distributed throughout Germany. This means that we need a supraregional, pipeline-based transport infrastructure for hydrogen in the near future in order to connect hydrogen sources with the corresponding hydrogen sinks. Economically, it is most advantageous to develop these predominantly by converting existing pipelines to hydrogen from the natural gas grid.

In addition, many distribution system operators have expressed a need. This clearly shows that we need to develop entire regions with a high-performance hydrogen infrastructure as early as possible as well as over a large area in order to ensure that the large number of customers are supplied via the distribution networks.”

Accompanying document market query WEB cards
PDF / 619 kB / EN
Press Statement WEB Cards
PDF / 158 kB / EN
Gas Demand Market Survey WEB Maps
PDF / 664 kB / EN
Overview project notifications market query WEB and green gases
XLSX / 604 kB
Fig. 03 Cat1 Hydrogen feed
JPEG / 713 kB / EN
Fig. 4 Cat1 Hydrogen feed
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Fig. 7 Cat3 Hydrogen feed
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Fig. 3 Cat1 Hydrogen feed
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Fig. 4 Cat1 Hydrogen feed
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Fig. 7 Cat1 Hydrogen feed
JPG / 817 kB / EN
16.08.2021 | Consultation

Comments on the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032

The German transmission system operators (TSOs) had given the public the opportunity to submit their comments on the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032 from June 21 to July 16, 2021. A total of 27 comments were received during the public consultation process. The TSOs have submitted all comments pursuant to Section 15 a EnWG to the Federal Network Agency for evaluation of the submitted scenario framework and will address the submitted contributions in their revision of the scenario framework.

Unless the commentators have objected to publication, their contributions are attached as a downloadable file.

Comments on the Gas NDP 2022-2032 scenario framework
ZIP / 7.49 MB
Agora Energiewende_STN Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.14 MB
astora_STN Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.18 MB
BDEW_STN Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.81 MB
Bund Kreisgruppe Wuppertal_STN Scenario framework for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 600 kB
BürgerEnergieAltmarki eG_STN Scenario framework for Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 752 kB
DUH_STN Scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.8 MB
E3G_STN Scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.36 MB
EFET_STN Scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.26 MB
EnBW_STN Scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.1 MB
EON_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.19 MB
Equinor_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.13 MB
FluxSwiss_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.09 MB
Fluxys_Belgium_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 6.24 MB
Fridays For Future_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.17 MB
Germanwatch_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 99 kB
GRTgaz_STN_Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 578 kB
INES_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 1 MB
Lindne-Hauser_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 593 kB
MWIDE_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 63 kB
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP2022-2032
PDF / 828 kB
NET4GAS_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 288 kB
Netze BW_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 77 kB
Öko-Institut_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 100 kB
OMV_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 384 kB
thyssenkrupp_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 187 kB
Uniper_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 163 kB
vzbv_STN Szenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 334 kB
01.07.2021 | Workshop

Workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the 2022 scenario framework

On the occasion of the consultation of the 2022 scenario framework, the transmission system operators held a workshop on 01 July 2021, in which representatives of all value creation levels participated. In addition to expert presentations by the transmission system operators, the Federal Network Agency presented its initial assessment of the consultation document.

Agenda for the workshop scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032 of 1.7.2021
PDF / 0.08MB
Workshop Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032: Gas Demand and Gas Supply
PDF / 1.26MB
Workshop Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032: Modeling Variants
PDF / 0.59MB
Workshop scenario framework Gas NDP 2022-2032: Hydrogen and Green Gases, Market Survey WEB
PDF / 0.55MB
Initial assessment by the BNetzA for the Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.15MB
21.06.2021 | Draft

Scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032: Market partners report strong increase in demand for hydrogen and green gases

  • 500 hydrogen projects reported
  • Early achievement of climate targets requires hydrogen infrastructure
  • TSOs launch consultation of the Scenario Framework
  • Consultation workshop 1 July 2021 (digital event)

The Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2032 published today by the German transmission system operators (TSOs) stresses the importance of integrating hydrogen, biomethane and synthetic methane into the gas infrastructure.

The Scenario Framework is the first step in drawing up the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032. The document presents the development of gas and hydrogen demand up to the year 2032 and also provides an outlook up to the year 2050, based on an adjusted TM95[1] scenario from the dena lead study on the integrated energy transition. In this scenario, gaseous energy sources make a significant contribution to decarbonisation. The modelling variants are based on a demand-oriented development of gas consumption and transmission as required for stable and reliable energy supplies.

For the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032, the transmission system operators conducted their Hydrogen Generation and Demand (Wasserstoff Erzeugung und Bedarf – WEB) market survey for the second time. The market partners reported 500 hydrogen projects, many times more than two years ago. FNB Gas Chairman Dr Thomas Gößmann: “The enormous number of projects clearly shows that we have to provide a hydrogen infrastructure at an early stage. This is the only way we can make the energy system fit for the future and achieve Germany’s ambitious climate protection goals.”

In their last Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030, the transmission system operators’ plans already showed that Germany needs a hydrogen infrastructure which can be built from the existing natural gas network. In addition to the hydrogen requirements of 191 TWh for the period up to 2032, requirements totalling 342 TWh for 2040 and 476 TWh for 2050 were also reported in the current WEB market survey.

Inga Posch, FNB Gas Managing Director: “Hydrogen and green gases play a central role in the energy transition. Without them, the decarbonisation of the industry, transport and buildings sectors is simply inconceivable.”

The transmission system operators point out that the development of gas demand will be stable until 2032, the target year of the planning period. Therefore, the infrastructure will continue to be of great importance. In order to be able to guarantee a reliable supply of gas to their customers, the TSOs also take additional demand and connection requests into account for their assumptions.

The consultation on the scenario framework of the Gas NDP 2022-2032 runs from 21.06. to 16 July 2021. The accompanying workshop, to which all market participants are invited, will take place as a digital event on 1 July 2021. An English translation of the Gas NDP 2022-2032 Scenario Framework will be published and simultaneous English translation will be provided for the workshop.

The TSOs point out that until the end of the consultation period further information from foreign network operators and storage operators regarding hydrogen source distribution as well as applications according to §§ 38/ 39 GasNZV can be submitted.

After the consultation period, the comments received will be analysed and incorporated into the 2022 Scenario Framework. Please submit your comments to

Further information: and in the NEP gas database.

Technology mix scenario, 95% reduction in emissions by 2050 adjusted by FNB to reflect current developments.

FNB Gas Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032_Consultation Document
PDF / 4.54MB
FNB Gas Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032_abbreviated version
PDF / 3.17MB
FNB Gas Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032_Consultation Document
PDF / 4.53MB
FNB Gas Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032_Summary
PDF / 3.17MB
Enclosure 2
XLSX / 0.44MB
Press Release Publication Scenario Framework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.2MB
Press Release Publication Scenarioframework Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 0.23MB
08.06.2021 | Draft

Invitation to the accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the scenario framework for the gas network development plan 2022-2032

This workshop is intended to continue the dialogue with the public. The workshop is aimed at both German and English-speaking participants, for whom we will provide simultaneous translation.

The web-based workshop will be held on July 01, 2021 from 9:00 am to approximately 1:00 pm.

Ihre Teilnahme bestätigen Sie bitte verbindlich bis zum 28. Juni per E-Mail an You are welcome to forward the invitation. We look forward to your participation and a constructive exchange.

Invitation FNB Gas Consultation Workshop SR 2022
PDF / 0.28MB
Invitation FNB Gas consultation workshop SR 2022
PDF / 0.29MB
13.04.2021 | Draft

Publication of the consultation document of the 2022 Scenario Framework scheduled for June 21, 2021.

The transmission system operators intend to publish the consultation document of the 2022 scenario framework on June 21, 2021. Consultation on the scenario framework is scheduled from June 21, 2021 to July 16, 2021. A consultation workshop is expected to be held on 01 July 2021. Further information will be published by FNB Gas in due time.

10.03.2021 | Draft

Updated form for market inquiry

For the Hydrogen Query Generation and Demand (WEB) and Green Gases started on 11/01/2021, the transmission system operators provide the form with supplemented instructions. The transmission system operators have included some additional guidance for distribution system operators to simplify data entry in the “Guidance” spreadsheet of the reporting form. The form itself is unchanged.

FNB Gas SR 2022 Form Market Inquiry VNB 2022 (updated on 10.03.2021)
XLSX / 0.18MB
11.01.2021 | Draft

FNB launch second market survey for producers and consumers of hydrogen and green gases for the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032

The transmission system operators (TSOs) have taken hydrogen and green gases (synthetic methane) into account for the first time in the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 (Gas NDP 2020). This is to be continued in the Gas NDP 2022-2032. Therefore, the TSOs are also launching a market survey this year for the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032, with the aim of obtaining an overview of current hydrogen and green gas projects in Germany and the adjacent projects in neighboring countries that have an impact on Germany.

For this purpose, the German TSOs ask all companies, project responsible distribution system operators as well as adjacent projects in neighboring countries that have an impact on Germany to report projects for the generation and demand of hydrogen and green gases for the consultation document of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032 by 16.04.2021.

The TSOs provide a form for the market inquiry. The notification must be sent to an TSO active at the project site. In addition, transmission system operators publish the following criteria and guidance for consideration of green gas projects.

FNB Gas PI SR 2022 – Market query 2022_EN
PDF / 0.18MB
FNB Gas PR SF 2022 – market survey 2022_EN
PDF / 0.18MB
FNB Gas SR 2022 Form Market Inquiry VNB 2022 (updated on 10.03.2021)
XLSX / 0.18MB
SF 2022 – form_market survey_2022_EN
XLSX / 0.11MB
SR 2022 – Criteria_H2 and Green Gases_EN
PDF / 0.09MB
SF 2022 – Criteria_H2 and green gases_EN
PDF / 0.09MB
11.01.2021 | Draft

TSOs point out deadline for capacity reservation pursuant to section 38 GasNZV and capacity expansion entitlement pursuant to section 39 GasNZV and publish criteria for consideration in 2022 scenario framework

The German transmission system operators (TSOs) point out that capacity reservations according to section 38 and capacity expansion claims according to section 39 GasNZV for storage, LNG and production facilities as well as gas-fired power plants have to be submitted to the responsible TSOs by 31 March 2021 in order to be taken into account in the consultation document of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032.

In addition, the TSOs publish the criteria for taking into account capacity reservations and capacity expansion claims pursuant to sections 38/ 39 GasNZV.

SR 2022 – Criteria 38_39_GasNZV_EN
PDF / 0.09MB
14.12.2020 | Draft

Transmission system operators begin preparations for the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 with the aim of planning future gas infrastructures for hydrogen and methane in line with demand

In January 2021, the gas transmission system operators (TSOs) will launch a market survey that will allow them to develop their infrastructure for hydrogen and methane in line with demand.

FNB Gas PI SR 2022 – criteria 38 39 and GG
PDF / 0.21MB
FNB Gas PI SR 2022 – criteria 38 39 and GG_EN
PDF / 0.2MB


Status in the project cycle