Scenario framework 2020
BNetzA confirms the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030
Once the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 has been confirmed by the Federal Network Agency, the transmission system operators will in the next step begin to prepare the NEP Gas 2020-2030.
The German transmission system operators (TSOs) had given the public the opportunity to submit their comments on the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2020-2030 from June 17 to July 12, 2019. A total of 27 comments were received during the public consultation process. The TSOs have submitted all comments pursuant to Section 15 a EnWG to the Federal Network Agency for evaluation of the submitted scenario framework and will address the submitted contributions in their revision of the scenario framework.
Unless the commentators have objected to publication, their contributions are attached as a downloadable file.
Workshop for the consultation of the scenario framework for the gas network development plan 2020-2030
On the occasion of the consultation of the scenario framework for the gas network development plan 2020-2030, the transmission system operators held a workshop on 01.07.2019, in which representatives of all value creation levels participated. In addition to expert presentations by the transmission system operators, the Federal Network Agency presented its initial assessment of the consultation document.
Market participants have the opportunity to comment on the Scenario Framework by submitting written comments, in a format suitable for electronic processing, via email to by July 12, 2019.
If a statement or individual passages of the statement are not to be submitted to the Federal Network Agency and the contents of the statement are not to be published, the consultation participant must indicate this accordingly.
Gas NDP 2020-2030 scenario framework published: green gases and market area mergers as central topics
- Market partner query for green gas projects and study on regionalization of PtG services.
- Market area merger: Capacity level of the current Gas NDP (2018-2028) to be maintained
- Consultation workshop on 01 July 2019 in Berlin
One focus of the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan (NDP) 2020-2030 published today by the German transmission system operators (TSOs) is the topic of “green gases” and their integration into the gas infrastructure. In addition to biomethane, hydrogen and synthetic methane are included as green gases in the modeling for the first time. The scenario framework describes the input variables of green gases for the modeling. These result, among other things, from the market partner survey for green gas projects recently conducted by the TSOs and the “Study on the regionalization of PtG services for the Gas NDP 2020-2030 scenario framework” by the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE), which was also published today.
On this occasion, FNB Gas Chairman Ralph Bahke emphasizes the importance of the topic of green gases for meeting the ambitious climate protection targets: “Without the use of green gases in the future energy system, decarbonization of the industry, transport and building sectors is not efficiently possible. Therefore, early consideration of the development in the scenario framework for the network development plan for gas is absolutely necessary.”
Inga Posch, Managing Director of FNB Gas adds: “The network development plan is the basis for making the gas infrastructure fit for the challenges of the future. With this scenario framework, the TSOs are setting an important course for a decarbonized energy system of the future.” The market area merger planned for October 1, 2021, also plays a central role in the scenario framework. Regarding the current status, Mr. Bahke explains: “With the scenario framework, we describe the current development status of the new capacity model for the Germany-wide market area. The aim is to create more liquidity for the German market by maintaining the capacity level of the current Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028. Here, we are currently discussing a number of models and measures with the market and the BNetzA.” The approach of market-based instruments was included by TSOs in the scenario framework and will be modeled in the Gas NDP 2020-2030.
With regard to the development of future gas demand, the scenario framework has been consistently further developed and therefore takes into account current climate protection scenarios as well as the latest considerations on the coal phase-out. The consultation of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2020-2030 runs until July 12, 2019. The accompanying workshop, to which all market participants are invited, will take place in Berlin on 01 July 2019. For the first time, an English translation of the Gas NDP 2020-2030 scenario framework will be published and simultaneous translation into English will be provided for the workshop. The TSOs point out that notifications for green gas projects and applications pursuant to sections 38/ 39 GasNZV can be submitted until the end of the consultation period.
Study on the regionalization of power-to-gas capacities for the scenario framework for the NEP Gas 2020-2030.
A study carried out by the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft – FfE on behalf of FNB Gas shows in which regions synthetic gases in the form of hydrogen will be needed in the future and where attractive production sites for synthetic gases are located.
By using green gases from power-to-gas (PtG) plants, fossil energy sources can be substituted in the final energy sectors of transport, industry, private households, as well as trade, commerce and services.
The current locations of PtG plants in Germany have not been chosen based on the demand for synthetic gases or the local supply of renewable energy. They have been selected according to political or research aspects. So far, these are small pilot plants and not yet large-scale industrial plants. The choice of location, therefore, does not allow any conclusions to be drawn on the suitability of the site. The study, therefore, quantifies location attractiveness based on defined location factors.
In addition to the local supply of renewable energies, the consumption of hydrogen is an elementary location factor for the possible location of a power-to-gas plant. Relevant consumption is initially expected in the industry and transport sectors. The household and commercial, trade and services sectors have therefore initially not been considered in the study.
High demand in the Ruhr area, good production locations in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Large hydrogen consumers are mainly located in the Ruhr area and other large industrial locations such as the chemical triangle of Central Germany. In the long term, the transport sector in conurbations and along major motorway routes will be added to this.
By combining the analysed location factors, power-to-gas plants can be located indicatively from a system perspective and the resulting business perspective. Thus, the location of a PtG plant in the Ruhr area seems to make sense from the point of view of hydrogen demand, but there is no good site suitability with regard to regional surpluses of renewable energies. In northern Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on the other hand, there are very good locations for the production of synthetic methane due to local surpluses of renewable energy, CO2 from biogas plants and an existing connection to the natural gas grid.
The evaluations carried out recommend locating the PtG plants in the modelling of the long-distance gas network operators for the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030, whereby repercussions on the gas network infrastructure can be analysed in detail.
Invitation to the accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the scenario framework for the gas network development plan 2020-2030
German gas transmission system operators plan to publish the consultation document of the scenario framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030, which was prepared in cooperation with Prognos AG, on June 17, 2019.
The workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2020-2030 is intended to continue the dialogue with market participants. The transmission system operators would like to give you the opportunity to discuss your questions about the scenario framework and to make your suggestions.
The workshop will take place on July 01, 2019 from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Hotel Melia Berlin, Friedrichstraße 103, 10117 Berlin and is aimed at both German and English speaking participants, for whom we will provide simultaneous translation.
Gas NDP 2020: Transmission system operators extend market inquiry on green gas projects and sector coupling until July 12, 2019
The next Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 (Gas NDP 2020) includes hydrogen and synthetic methane (SNG) as green gases for the first time.
For this purpose, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) are extending the deadline for companies and project managers to report green gas projects for the scenario framework until July 12, 2019.
“We already have a good response regarding green gas project notifications. The time frame for the NDP 2020 allows us to extend the market inquiry a bit more. In this way, we want to give an even wider circle of project promoters the opportunity to provide feedback,” explains Inga Posch, Managing Director FNB Gas.
“The project notifications help us to take into account the integration of green gases in the German transmission system in network development planning at an early stage in the Gas NDP 2020.”
In addition to planned plants, the projects queried include, in particular, the planned withdrawal from or injection of green gases into the TSO network. The notification must be sent to an TSO affected for the site. For the consideration of the planned projects in the Gas NDP 2020, the respective responsible TSOs require a description of the project, which includes, among other things, the location of the planned network connection point, the plant specification (generation capacity, injection/extraction capacities, etc.) and the gas composition (e.g. hydrogen content). FNB Gas provides further information on the required data and a list of the responsible contact persons on its website (
Transmission system operators launch market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling
The next Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 (Gas NDP 2020) includes hydrogen and synthetic methane (SNG) as green gases for the first time.
For this purpose, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) ask companies and project managers to report green gas projects for the scenario framework by 15 May 2019. This means that in the future, the NDP process will have an even stronger coordinating role in the integration of green gases into the German transmission system and will take into account the requirements for the gas infrastructure resulting from the implementation of the energy transition and the coal phase-out.
“Providing information on planned projects helps us to take sector coupling into account in network development planning at an early stage in the Gas NDP 2020,” explains Inga Posch, Managing Director FNB Gas. “In addition, we can identify potential regions where, for example, increased hydrogen blending or even a ‘fuelswitch’ – a complete switch – from natural gas to hydrogen is a good idea.” In addition to planned plants, the projects queried include, in particular, the planned withdrawal from or injection of green gases into the TSO network. Posch adds, “Our members are taking on a crucial role in meeting the 2050 climate targets. Sector coupling is one of the key instruments for the success of a secure and cost-efficient energy transition.”
The notification must be sent to an TSO affected for the site. For the consideration of the planned projects in the Gas NDP 2020, the respective responsible TSOs require a description of the project, which includes, among other things, the location of the planned network connection point, the plant specification (generation capacity, injection/extraction capacities, etc.) and the gas composition (e.g. hydrogen content).
The TSOs draw attention to the deadline for capacity reservation pursuant to Section 38 and capacity expansion entitlement pursuant to Section 39 GasNZV
The German transmission system operators point out that capacity reservations according to section 38 and capacity expansion claims according to section 39 GasNZV for gas-fired power plants have to be submitted to the responsible transmission system operators by 31 March 2019 in order to be taken into account in the consultation document of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2020-2030.