If a pipeline is converted from natural gas to hydrogen, it must be re-approved. To this end, independent experts carry out a detailed examination. You can find out what measures are being taken in this video.
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In order to develop the hydrogen network from the existing natural gas infrastructure, the planning must be all of a piece. Why this is so and how it works, we explain in this video.
To connect H2 generation sites with consumption sites, Germany needs a supraregional hydrogen network with connections to neighboring countries. Compared with new construction, it is cheaper, more resource-efficient and faster to develop the hydrogen network from the existing natural gas network. Where natural gas flows today, hydrogen may flow tomorrow. In our new series of explanatory films, we show how the conversion of the gas transport infrastructure to hydrogen works and what benefits it brings.
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The final report published on April 27, 2023, marks the conclusion of the Chemistry4Climate (C4C) project launched by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI).
Together with over 80 stakeholders from industry, politics and civil society, FNB Gas has been involved in the search for ways and solutions to make the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany climate neutral. As a result, the experts formulated conclusions and recommendations on a total of six topics and 33 theses.
The final report is available on the Chemistry4Climate homepage.
On October 25, 2022, a joint webinar was held by FNB Gas with DVGW, VKU, and the “H2vorOrt” initiative. More than 350 interested representatives from politics and authorities, the energy sector as well as business and industry took part in the virtual event. The great response shows that hydrogen is not only essential for the survival of industry, but that interest and demand also exist on a large scale in many other sectors.
The network operators are in the starting blocks. The task of policymakers now is to break down logjams and translate the proposals into a consistent regulatory framework. The webinar ends with a joint appeal to politicians: “The industry is ready. Now we need political action”.
Germany must accelerate the ramp-up of hydrogen in order to secure supplies and promote climate protection. The hydrogen report submitted by the transmission system operators on September 1, 2022, in accordance with Section 28q of the German Energy Act (EnWG) shows how the necessary transport infrastructure can be built efficiently, quickly, and in a targeted manner by integrating hydrogen network planning into the proven gas network planning.