Sequence of the conversion to hydrogen at the end customer (private household)
The federal government is working to ensure that, as far as possible, every new heating system will be powered by at least 65% renewable energy (on balance sheet or physical) from 2024 [BMWK 2022]. This includes all renewable energies, i.e. also green and climate-neutral gaseous energy sources such as biomethane or green hydrogen. However, for all decarbonization options to be fully exploited, a technology-open approach is needed that takes into account all climate-neutral gases such as blue hydrogen.
Market space conversion to hydrogen is not feasible until as many gas appliances as possible have been installed that can run on natural gas and biomethane as well as hydrogen. From 2025 at the latest, the manufacturers organized in the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) will be launching series devices on the market that can initially be set to methane or methane-hydrogen mixtures and converted to a hydrogen device by an installer with little effort by means of a conversion kit. By installing these hydrogen-capable appliances, the customer creates the conditions for a climate-neutral heat supply, enabling him to meet the 65% renewable energy target initially via the balance sheet purchase and later via the physical purchase of hydrogen.
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Infographic - Process of conversion to hydrogen at the end customer (private household) / JPG / 160 kB
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