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Possible process from hydrogen demand notification to hydrogen conversion roadmap.

The basis for planning the conversion of pipelines to hydrogen by the transmission system operators is initially the specific demand reports from various demand carriers (distribution system operators or industrial customers directly connected to the transmission system). These demand reports were secured via Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the NEP Gas 2022-2032 before they were included in the modeling of the transmission system operators in the NEP Gas process. For the demand reports of the distribution system operators, the transmission system operators first carry out a so-called hydrogen test in the current NEP gas cycle. In the future, the hydrogen testing process will be replaced as soon as demand notifications with a higher level of commitment are received or corresponding MoUs are concluded between transmission system operators and demand carriers. The conversion to hydrogen is made finally binding by the conclusion of a conversion schedule between the transmission system operator and the consumer.

The conversion roadmap defines the points at which a supply of hydrogen can be guaranteed by a defined deadline. The technical lead time for conversion to hydrogen is significantly longer than for conversion from L-gas to H-gas. In this respect, it can be assumed that conversion schedules between the transmission system operator and the demand side would also have to be concluded with a significantly longer lead time than is usual in comparison with the L/H gas conversion (there, at the latest 2 years and 8 months according to the Gas Cooperation Agreement). In this respect, the entire process, starting with the first demand reports and building on this, the agreement of MoUs must also be started much earlier.

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Infographic - Possible process from hydrogen demand notification to hydrogen conversion roadmap / 336 kB

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FNB Gas e.V.