Pile of pipes during construction of the Nordschwarzwald pipeline
The Northern Black Forest line of terranets bw runs for just under 70 km from Au am Rhein via Ettlingen and Pforzheim to Leonberg. The first 15-kilometer section from Au am Rhein to Ettlingen was built in 2014. The second, 54-kilometer section between Ettlingen and Leonberg, was completed in 2015/16. The ceremonial commissioning took place on 22.01.2016.
The Nordschwarzwald pipeline will give terranets bw a further connection to the Trans-European Natural Gas Pipeline (TENP). The TENP, which transports natural gas from the Netherlands to Switzerland and Italy, is one of the largest and most important pipelines for secure natural gas supplies in Europe.
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Print file (high resolution): Pipe stack during the construction of the Northern Black Forest pipeline / 14.09MB / JPG / 62,3 x 41,5 cm / 7360 x 4912 px / 300 dpi / RGB
Rights Holderterranets bw GmbH