Hydrogen testing concept
Based on the modeling results of the hydrogen variant 2032 in the NEP Gas 2022-2032, the transmission system operators perform a hydrogen test for the year 2032 for the reported demands of the distribution system operators.
The objective of the hydrogen test is to identify network interconnection points (NCPs) or exit zones of the distribution system operators that can be reached with a hydrogen infrastructure without further network expansion measures on the part of the transmission system operators based on the results of the hydrogen variant for the year 2032. Furthermore, it will be examined whether a simultaneous supply with methane could be considered for the identified NCPs in principle, so that blending is possible at the distribution grid level. If there is a possibility to convert first areas or individual NKPs of the distribution system operators to 100% hydrogen, first potential “hydrogen conversion areas” could be identified, analogous to the planning process of the L-H gas market area conversion.
Accordingly, the transmission system operators determine the first potentials for a possible initial use of hydrogen in the distribution system on the basis of the reports received from the distribution system operators and the modeling results of the hydrogen variant 2032. The transmission system operators are already in close contact with the distribution system operators in order to develop initial joint concepts. The planned procedure for hydrogen testing is shown in the figure.
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Infographic - Hydrogen testing concept / JPG / 178 kB
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