If a pipeline is converted from natural gas to hydrogen, it must be re-approved. To this end, independent experts carry out a detailed examination. You can find out what measures are being taken in this video.
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In order to develop the hydrogen network from the existing natural gas infrastructure, the planning must be all of a piece. Why this is so and how it works, we explain in this video.
With a length of approximately 40,000 km, the German transmission networks form the backbone of the gas transport system in Germany. The transmission network is divided into an H-gas and an L-gas transport network. These two transport networks are shown in the figure.
On October 25, 2022, a joint webinar was held by FNB Gas with DVGW, VKU, and the “H2vorOrt” initiative. More than 350 interested representatives from politics and authorities, the energy sector as well as business and industry took part in the virtual event. The great response shows that hydrogen is not only essential for the survival of industry, but that interest and demand also exist on a large scale in many other sectors.
The network operators are in the starting blocks. The task of policymakers now is to break down logjams and translate the proposals into a consistent regulatory framework. The webinar ends with a joint appeal to politicians: “The industry is ready. Now we need political action”.
Germany must accelerate the ramp-up of hydrogen in order to secure supplies and promote climate protection. The hydrogen report submitted by the transmission system operators on September 1, 2022, in accordance with Section 28q of the German Energy Act (EnWG) shows how the necessary transport infrastructure can be built efficiently, quickly, and in a targeted manner by integrating hydrogen network planning into the proven gas network planning.
As part of the Hydrogen Generation and Demand (WEB) market survey, numerous distribution system operators also submitted demand reports. This clearly shows that entire regions must be developed with an efficient hydrogen infrastructure at an early stage and on a large scale in order to be able to ensure the supply of a large number of customers via the distribution networks.
The reports submitted by distribution system operators in the NEP Gas 2022-2032 result in a withdrawal volume of 54 TWh for the year 2032. The further increase in volumes in the following years underscores the significant demand for hydrogen in the distribution network and the efforts of distribution network operators to contribute to climate protection in the long term.
Similar to the L-/H-gas conversion, the conversion of network areas from natural gas to hydrogen involves interdependence between the parties involved.
Efficient conversion of an area along a transmission system operator’s line in terms of network expansion can only be ensured if all connected customers (distribution system operators or industrial customers connected to the transmission system) can convert to hydrogen in the same period of time. This is the only way to avoid economically inefficient, parallel hydrogen or methane pipelines, which may only be needed temporarily until all consumers along a pipeline have been completely converted.
In the regular process, the resolution of the above dependency takes place through the formation of cross-network operator, area-related working groups (also within the framework of the respective GTP creation) as well as through the conclusion of multilateral changeover schedules in which all mutual dependencies between the participants are assessed. This procedure has already proven useful for the L/H gas conversion and has thus been tested in practice.
The basis for planning the conversion of pipelines to hydrogen by the transmission system operators is initially the specific demand reports from various demand carriers (distribution system operators or industrial customers directly connected to the transmission system). These demand reports were secured via Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the NEP Gas 2022-2032 before they were included in the modeling of the transmission system operators in the NEP Gas process. For the demand reports of the distribution system operators, the transmission system operators first carry out a so-called hydrogen test in the current NEP gas cycle. In the future, the hydrogen testing process will be replaced as soon as demand notifications with a higher level of commitment are received or corresponding MoUs are concluded between transmission system operators and demand carriers. The conversion to hydrogen is made finally binding by the conclusion of a conversion schedule between the transmission system operator and the consumer.
The conversion roadmap defines the points at which a supply of hydrogen can be guaranteed by a defined deadline. The technical lead time for conversion to hydrogen is significantly longer than for conversion from L-gas to H-gas. In this respect, it can be assumed that conversion schedules between the transmission system operator and the demand side would also have to be concluded with a significantly longer lead time than is usual in comparison with the L/H gas conversion (there, at the latest 2 years and 8 months according to the Gas Cooperation Agreement). In this respect, the entire process, starting with the first demand reports and building on this, the agreement of MoUs must also be started much earlier.
The federal government is working to ensure that, as far as possible, every new heating system will be powered by at least 65% renewable energy (on balance sheet or physical) from 2024 [BMWK 2022]. This includes all renewable energies, i.e. also green and climate-neutral gaseous energy sources such as biomethane or green hydrogen. However, for all decarbonization options to be fully exploited, a technology-open approach is needed that takes into account all climate-neutral gases such as blue hydrogen.
Market space conversion to hydrogen is not feasible until as many gas appliances as possible have been installed that can run on natural gas and biomethane as well as hydrogen. From 2025 at the latest, the manufacturers organized in the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) will be launching series devices on the market that can initially be set to methane or methane-hydrogen mixtures and converted to a hydrogen device by an installer with little effort by means of a conversion kit. By installing these hydrogen-capable appliances, the customer creates the conditions for a climate-neutral heat supply, enabling him to meet the 65% renewable energy target initially via the balance sheet purchase and later via the physical purchase of hydrogen.
Each distribution network in Germany has its own regional characteristics. For climate neutrality to be achieved locally, these specifics must always be taken into account. Therefore, after the analysis and planning process in an initial phase, the expansion phase will begin to upgrade the distribution networks or convert them to other green and climate-neutral gases in order to reach the target state by 2045 at the latest. In addition to the technical feasibility and availability of green and climate-neutral gases, it is of central importance that distribution system operators promptly enter into continuous dialog with users, producers, politicians and other stakeholders such as installers, heating manufacturers, etc., and conduct this dialog steadily and permanently.
Therefore, the Gas Grid Area Transformation Plan (GTP) envisions working with local business and other local stakeholders to develop decarbonization solutions that are effective and targeted for broad adoption. These region-specific solutions and conversion paths must be enabled and flanked by appropriate, nationwide laws and regulations.
An overview of the hydrogen network planning concept in the context of a holistic energy system view is shown in the figure. The concept presented for future hydrogen network planning will be integrated into the proven gas network development planning process. At the same time, by taking a holistic view of the energy system, new elements are also proposed to enable gas grid planning for hydrogen and methane to make a stronger contribution to achieving the targets of the Federal Climate Protection Act in the future.
Based on the modeling results of the hydrogen variant 2032 in the NEP Gas 2022-2032, the transmission system operators perform a hydrogen test for the year 2032 for the reported demands of the distribution system operators.
The objective of the hydrogen test is to identify network interconnection points (NCPs) or exit zones of the distribution system operators that can be reached with a hydrogen infrastructure without further network expansion measures on the part of the transmission system operators based on the results of the hydrogen variant for the year 2032. Furthermore, it will be examined whether a simultaneous supply with methane could be considered for the identified NCPs in principle, so that blending is possible at the distribution grid level. If there is a possibility to convert first areas or individual NKPs of the distribution system operators to 100% hydrogen, first potential “hydrogen conversion areas” could be identified, analogous to the planning process of the L-H gas market area conversion.
Accordingly, the transmission system operators determine the first potentials for a possible initial use of hydrogen in the distribution system on the basis of the reports received from the distribution system operators and the modeling results of the hydrogen variant 2032. The transmission system operators are already in close contact with the distribution system operators in order to develop initial joint concepts. The planned procedure for hydrogen testing is shown in the figure.
The hydrogen network 2032 presented in the interim status for the NEP Gas 2022-2032 shows the result of the modeling of a Germany-wide hydrogen network for the year 2032 based on the MoU requirements, the results of the network development plan Gas 2020-2030 and the pipeline reports of the transmission system operators and other potential hydrogen network operators as well as on existing parallel pipeline systems in the transmission system. This results in a hydrogen network with a pipeline length of 7,600-8,500 km by 2032.
The hydrogen network 2027 presented in the interim status for the NEP Gas 2022-2032 shows the result of the modeling of a Germany-wide hydrogen network for the year 2027 based on the MoU requirements, the results of the network development plan Gas 2020-2030 and the pipeline reports of the transmission system operators and other potential hydrogen network operators as well as on existing parallel pipeline systems in the transmission system. This will result in a hydrogen network with a pipeline length of 2,900-3,000 km by 2027.
Whether small or on an industrial scale, research in nature or ready for practical application, narrowly focused or spanning value-adding stages: the listed selection of over 30 projects at the distribution grid level gives an impression of the current, diverse decarbonization activities of distribution grid operators spread across Germany. These underscore the relevance of the distribution network to the development of the hydrogen economy. The figure depicts current hydrogen projects related to the distribution grid.
On May 28, 2021, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), together with the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), published a list of 62 major projects eligible for potential funding under the IPCEI-Hydrogen program. The funding amount of EUR 8 billion is expected to trigger investments totaling EUR 33 billion [BMWi 2021].
In addition to projects for hydrogen production and numerous concepts for its use, several infrastructure projects are also part of this program.
With the realization of these IPCEI infrastructure projects, a first supraregional hydrogen network will be created from the Dutch border via Hamburg and Salzgitter, the industrial region of Halle/Leipzig and via Berlin to Rostock. In addition, cross-border regional projects, particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland, have also been selected for the IPCEI hydrogen program.
Currently, the specified application documents are being reviewed by the authorities. According to current information, a final decision on the funding program and subsequent investment decisions is expected by the end of 2022.
The hydrogen network 2032 presented in the interim status for the NEP Gas 2022-2032 shows the result of the modeling of a Germany-wide hydrogen network for the year 2032 based on the MoU requirements, the results of the network development plan Gas 2020-2030 and the pipeline reports of the transmission system operators and other potential hydrogen network operators as well as on existing parallel pipeline systems in the transmission system. This results in a hydrogen network with a pipeline length of 7,600-8,500 km by 2032.
In the LNG security of supply variants of the interim status for the NEP Gas 2022-2032, the network expansion for LNG facilities at the locations Brunsbüttel, Rostock, Stade and Wilhelmshaven is investigated in three different modeling variants. The Brunsbüttel and Stade sites are already included in the baseline variant, while the Rostock and Wilhelmshaven sites are added for the LNG supply security variants.
Construction of the compressor station in Ochtrup, North Rhine-Westphalia, began in 2010. The station forms the end of a pipeline that transports gas from Norway from Emden to the Ruhr area. The pressure in the pipelines decreases over long distances and is brought back to the required level in Ochtrup so that it can be fed into the German gas grid. An expansion of the station to include an additional compressor was completed in 2018.
The picture shows a shut-off device, a so-called gate valve. This is located at the “entrance” to the compressor station and checks how much gas is flowing into the station. The natural gas from Norway is compressed to a higher pressure at the plant and then piped further towards the consumption centers.
The assembly of the large capillary tubes also always requires manual labor, despite heavy equipment for lifting and transporting.
The EUGAL is to run from Lubmin near Greifswald on the Baltic Sea in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in a southerly direction to Deutschneudorf in Saxony and on to the Czech Republic. It has a total length of around 480 kilometers and is to be laid in large sections parallel to the Baltic Sea Pipeline Link (OPAL). Thus, it runs through three federal states. The uneven terrain in the Ore Mountains made it necessary to use special technology when laying the pipelines.
The Northern Black Forest line of terranets bw runs for just under 70 km from Au am Rhein via Ettlingen and Pforzheim to Leonberg. The first 15-kilometer section from Au am Rhein to Ettlingen was built in 2014. The second, 54-kilometer section between Ettlingen and Leonberg, was completed in 2015/16. The ceremonial commissioning took place on 22.01.2016.
The Nordschwarzwald pipeline will give terranets bw a further connection to the Trans-European Natural Gas Pipeline (TENP). The TENP, which transports natural gas from the Netherlands to Switzerland and Italy, is one of the largest and most important pipelines for secure natural gas supplies in Europe.
Despite pipelines with a large circumference and the use of heavy equipment, the construction of a natural gas pipeline still requires real manual labor – here during the construction of the Nordschwarzwald pipeline of terranets bw.
The Northern Black Forest line of terranets bw runs for just under 70 km from Au am Rhein via Ettlingen and Pforzheim to Leonberg. The first 15-kilometer section from Au am Rhein to Ettlingen was built in 2014. The second, 54-kilometer section between Ettlingen and Leonberg, was completed in 2015/16. The ceremonial commissioning took place on 22.01.2016.
The Nordschwarzwald pipeline will give terranets bw a further connection to the Trans-European Natural Gas Pipeline (TENP). The TENP, which transports natural gas from the Netherlands to Switzerland and Italy, is one of the largest and most important pipelines for secure natural gas supplies in Europe.
A dispatching center is the heart of every pipeline network: Here, the entire (long-distance) pipeline network is monitored and controlled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The control center receives the necessary data via fiber optic cables installed along the natural gas pipelines, which provide signals as to where anomalies or malfunctions are occurring.
Since gas pipelines run underground and after their construction the area can be renaturalized, the course of the pipeline is marked by these yellow signs.
The Bobbau network hub, which was rebuilt and expanded from 1998 to 2001, is located in the network of ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, a subsidiary of Verbundnetz Gas AG. Six long-distance gas pipelines converge there and can be switched as needed. The compressor station maintains the gas to be transported at 55 bar, thus stabilizing the pressure level in the ONTRAS pipeline system.
In addition to on-site control, the plant’s degree of automation also enables remote monitoring and remote control from the Leipzig control center.
As a component of the Gas Network Development Plan, the MONACO long-distance natural gas pipeline from Burghausen to Finsing makes an active contribution to maintaining security of supply for Bavaria and the southern German region and to meeting the growing demand for gas transport capacity in Germany and Europe by connecting national and international pipeline systems. The commissioning took place in 2018.
Pipes that will later be used to build a gas pipeline are transported to their destination by train.
The compressor station in Blankenloch, near Karlsruhe, is located at an important junction. It ensures that the right pressure is maintained for gas transport in the Rheintal-Nord-Leitung 1, Rheintal-Nord-Leitung 3, Rheintal-Nord-Leitung 4, Rheintal-Süd-Leitung 1 and Schwaben-Leitung pipelines. The gas is compressed with the help of an electricity powered gas compressor and three gas powered gas compressors.
The photo shows the measurements of the electric-powered gas compressor.
Nowega GmbH’s dispatching headquarters are located in Münster. From there, the approximately 800-kilometer-long pipeline network and the connected natural gas storage facilities are monitored with the help of modern communications and information technology. The necessary data is transmitted to Münster via fiber optic and copper cables installed along the gas pipelines. The process control system, a special software, visualizes the measured values and system messages and enables electronic control via computer.
The so-called lateral construction caterpillars lower the pipeline into the trench excavated for this purpose. For this purpose, each side tree bead holds a loop in which the pipe. After laying in the trench, the loops are removed again. Trenchless methods such as microtunneling or direct pipe are also used for undercrossings of roads or rivers. Natural gas pipelines are mainly laid underground so that nature can be almost completely restored after pipeline construction.
When building natural gas pipelines, rivers also have to be crossed – in this case the Elbe for the construction of the EUGAL (European Gas Link Pipeline). Pipelines that run under water are called culverts. The Elbe culvert is 230 meters long and was laid in December 2018.
To ensure transport over long distances, natural gas is compressed to up to 100 bar. On the way to the consumer, the pressure is then reduced again to a few millibars overpressure. This pressure reduction requires a so-called gas pressure control and measuring system. This measures and regulates the gas volume flows and serves to safeguard the different operating pressures in the adjacent lines.
With the entry into force of the new Network Code Capacity Allocation (NC CAM), the German transmission system operators are implementing a procedure to determine the need for new capacity to be created.
The so-called incremental capacity process can be divided into five simplified phases.
The entirety of the network development plan consists of three documents – the scenario framework, the actual network development plan, and the implementation report. All these documents are created in a regular rhythm of two years. The scenario framework and network development plan documents are prepared in a multi-stage process involving various stakeholders.
more information about the documents
more information about the procedure
The Bobbau network hub, which was rebuilt and expanded from 1998 to 2001, is located in the network of Ontras, a subsidiary of VNG (Verbundnetz Gas AG). Six long-distance gas pipelines converge there and can be switched as needed. The compressor station maintains the gas to be transported at 55 bar, thus stabilizing the pressure level in the VNG pipeline system.
In addition to on-site control, the plant’s degree of automation also enables remote monitoring and remote control from the Leipzig control center.