10 years of FNB Gas
Transmission system operators on the path towards the hydrogen future
FNB Gas e.V. is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. On this occasion, the association discussed with guests from politics, the energy sector and industry at the hydrogen infrastructure conference how the market ramp-up of hydrogen can be further accelerated together.
Dr. Thomas Gößmann, CEO of FNB Gas: “With today’s event, we want to focus on the challenges of the future: Hydrogen. Because H2 will play a central role for Germany as a business location in the future. More than ever before, a secure and climate-friendly supply is our common mission.”
The event was a complete success. More than 200 guests from politics, the energy sector and industry are proof of the great interest in the central topic of the event: the hydrogen core network. In addition to specialist presentations and discussions with renowned experts, there was the opportunity to find out about the specific hydrogen projects of our members.
Barbara Fischer, Managing Director of FNB Gas: “With its well-developed energy infrastructure, Germany has the foundations for a sustainable energy future. In conjunction with the electricity grid, our transmission grid and gas distribution grids as well as the future hydrogen grid are an important part of this. If energy is the heart of Germany as a business location, then our grids are the arteries of a climate-neutral energy future. The hydrogen core network shows this: Where natural gas flows today, hydrogen can flow tomorrow.”
Dr. Philipp Nimmermann, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection: “The hydrogen core network is the backbone for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. We have achieved a great deal in a very constructive process to develop the core network with the transmission system operators.”
Ten years ago, the transmission system operators joined forces in FNB Gas e.V. to ensure efficient, joint planning of the natural gas network. This was the legal mandate then as it is today. The FNB Gas has now submitted eight network development plans for natural gas to the Federal Network Agency. Seven of these are already being implemented to ensure that the natural gas network meets demand and provides a secure supply. In July, the transmission system operators published an initial planning status for a Germany-wide hydrogen core network and are continuing to work at full speed on its completion. The TSOs therefore have the necessary expertise for the tasks that now lie ahead as part of the future integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen. The existing coordination function of the FNB Gas for natural gas network planning will be expanded in future to include hydrogen network planning. The coordination body will ensure that other potential regulated hydrogen network operators can participate in hydrogen network planning in a legally compliant and non-discriminatory manner.
In addition to its core task of coordinating grid planning, the association has been available from the outset as a competent point of contact for politicians, authorities, the media, associations and industry representatives on all issues relating to current and future infrastructure. FNB Gas intends to continue to live up to this claim.