TSOs launch consultation on Gas NDP 2022-2032

Transmission capacities for LNG facilities help to ensure secure energy supplies

The German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) have today launched their consultation process on the Gas Network Development Plan (Gas NDP) 2022-2032. The new LNGplus security of supply variants reflect the dramatically changed supply situation. The TSOs are therefore pushing ahead with projects to connect LNG facilities and provide the necessary transmission capacities. The first LNG facilities will be connected to the grid by the end of 2022.

Dr Thomas Gößmann, Chairman of the Board of FNB Gas, said: “Security of supply is a precious asset for the people in Germany and for the country as an industrial location. The gas TSOs are doing all they can to adapt the pipeline transmission system as quickly as possible to the changed geopolitical situation and energy industry requirements to continue to ensure secure and, in the future, climateneutral gas transmission.”

The Gas NDP 2022-2032 is based on the Scenario Framework confirmed by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in January 2022 as well as the BNetzA’s more recent decision of 11 November 2022 on the supplemented Scenario Framework. Market players can now submit their comments on the Gas NDP 2022-2032 consultation document until 31 January 2023. A virtual consultation workshop will be held on 24 January 2023.

The changes in the energy landscape have a major impact on network development planning in Germany. With their LNGplus supply security variants developed in consultation with BNetzA, the TSOs have made appropriate modifications to their Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 to responded to new challenges such as greatly changed load flows.

The two most efficient LNGplus supply security variants differ in terms of their supply routes in Germany. The CAPEX requirements for the necessary network expansions are very similar at around 4.1 and 4.2 billion euros. For this reason, the TSOs have decided not to make any specific network expansion proposal at this stage and put the expansion projects for the LNGplus supply security variants up for consultation.


Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 12 MB
Gas NDP 2022-2032 Summary
PDF / 826 kB
Appendix 1 Analysis of additional demands
PDF / 116 kB
Appendix 2 Project reports WEB
Excel / 682 kB
Appendix 3 Results pipeline network infrastructure
Excel / 82 kB
Appendix 4 Overview maps infrastructure
PDF / 23 MB
Appendix 5 Hydrogen review results
PDF / 138 kB
Appendix 6 Network expansion measures
PDF / 53 kB
Press Release Consultation Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 162 kB