Implementation report 2023
Transmission system operators publish 2023 implementation report with updated L-H gas conversion planning
- Realisation and start of operation of 17 measures for pipelines and compressors
- Progress report on 123 measures
- Switching of half of a total of 5.3 million consumer installations from L- to H-gas until the end of the year
In 2022, 17 measures were commissioned or completed. Five expansion measures have been eliminated in the course of modeling the 2022-2032 network development plan. In addition, transmission system operators (TSOs) provide information on modified and delayed measures. That’s according to the FNB’s implementation report released today.
To counter the declines in domestic and foreign volumes of L-gas, TSOs have been gradually converting areas supplied with L-gas to H-gas since 2015. Due to the great importance of this market area conversion for the energy industry, the TSOs explain the current status in detail in the implementation report. There were no significant changes compared with the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 in the course of detailed planning with the distribution system operators.
In 2022, Gastransport Nord GmbH, Open Grid Europe GmbH and Thyssengas GmbH successfully converted larger network areas, including in the Düsseldorf, Bonn and Mönchengladbach areas, with almost 500,000 devices. All the necessary network expansion measures on the transmission system were completed on time. Overall, the conversion volume realized in Germany since 2015 corresponds to an annual consumption volume of around 112 TWh and a capacity of 32 GWh/h.
“The aim is to compensate for imports of Dutch L-gas, which are due to expire in 2029, and to continue to ensure security of supply,” explains Inga Posch, managing director of FNB Gas.
Background Information:
Legal basis:
By preparing the 2023 Implementation Report (USB) and submitting it to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), the transmission system operators fulfill their obligations in accordance with the requirements of Section 15b of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The basis for this implementation report is the currently valid Network Development Plan Gas 2020-2030. FNB report on the status of implementation of the measures with a cut-off date of 01 January 2023. The BNetzA shall review and publish the implementation report and allow all actual and potential network users to comment.