Joint press release

First international agreement to significantly reduce methane emissions is a major step forward

  • Energy associations welcome pledge by over 100 nations to reduce methane emissions at Glasgow climate conference (COP26)
  • The gas industry is working continuously to effectively reduce its share of methane emissions through ongoing infrastructure upgrades
  • Improved and transparent measurement and detection methods are important basis for reduction measures
  • Methane emissions from the German gas industry have fallen by 40 percent since 1990
  • Where natural gas flows today, renewable and decarbonized gases can be used in the future

The associations of the German energy industry BDEW, BVEG, DVGW, FNB Gas, VKU and Zukunft Gas welcome the fact that more than 100 countries have committed themselves to the ambitious collective goal of reducing methane emissions in the course of the climate conference in Glasgow on the initiative of the EU and the USA in the “Global Methane Pledge”. This is a major step forward that can have an important signal effect also for those states that are not yet signatories. Reducing methane emissions is a global challenge and will only succeed if members of the international community pull together. Even though fugitive methane emissions from the oil and gas industry in Europe account for only 0.6 percent of Europe-wide greenhouse gas emissions, it is and remains the declared goal of the industry to further reduce emissions of climate-damaging methane.

The German gas industry has already been continuously reducing its emissions for decades, thus providing a blueprint also for other countries that are still at the beginning of their activities to reduce methane emissions. Since 1990, it has cut methane emissions by about 40 percent. This is primarily due to the modernization of the pipeline network, strict specifications for pipeline and plant construction, and improved and transparent measurement and detection methods. Technical reduction methods include, for example, the consistent use of mobile compressors and the use of helicopters and drones to search for leaks in the network. “The Glasgow initiative shows how important common goals are at international level. The German gas industry also has a responsibility and will not rest on its laurels. In order to further reduce methane emissions along the entire value chain of natural gas as an energy source, the gas industry is, for example, carrying out comprehensive and systematic measurement programs for transport and distribution networks as well as applications,” explain the representatives of the associations.

The associations support the goals of the European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. To enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent net by 2030, the necessary framework conditions must be created in the course of the announced EU legislative measures. All planned measures must also take into account the criteria of a secure energy supply at all times, as well as affordability and social balance for consumers.

Renewable gases and, in the transformation phase, natural gas and decarbonized gases and the associated infrastructure can make a decisive contribution here to the decarbonization of all sectors. Avoiding methane emissions along the gas supply chain and in all sectors is a building block on the path to a climate-neutral future. The German gas industry has been continuously investing in measures to reduce methane emissions along the entire value chain for decades – in joint initiatives as well as individually through concrete measures taken by the companies – and will continue to do so.

Press contacts:

Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry

Birgit Heinrich

Deputy Spokesperson
Phone: +49 30 300199-1170


Federal Association for Natural Gas, Petroleum and Geoenergy

Miriam Ahrens
Head of Communications and Press Spokesperson

Phone: +49 511 12172-33


German Gas and Water Association:

Lars Wagner

Press spokesman

Phone: +49 30 79 47 36 64



Barbara Fischer

Head of Policy and Strategy

Phone: +49 30 9210 235 12


Association of municipal enterprises

Stefan Luig

Head of Press/Press Spokesman

Phone +49 1708580-226


Zukunft Gas

Charlie Grüneberg
Head of Press and Public Relations

Phone: 030 460 6015-63



Joint PI methane emissions
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