Incentive regulation
FNB Gas on the BNetzA’s consultation on the further development of the regulatory framework for electricity and gas grids (NEST)
On 25.01. the Federal Network Agency published a key issues paper on the further development of the regulatory framework for electricity and gas network operators in the 5th regulatory period. As a result of the ECJ ruling and the recent amendments to the EnWG, the BNetzA has been given extended powers to lay down regulations. The title of the paper is NEST: Networks, Efficient, Secure, Transformed.
The key issues paper marks the start of a process to restructure and further develop the regulatory framework with regard to cost and revenue provisions. In it, the BNetzA presents 15 theses from industry, civil society, politics and science for discussion.
Basically, we need forward-looking regulation for the transformation of the gas infrastructure. Although the basic concept of regulation has proved its worth in the past, grid operators are facing considerable challenges due to the transformation of the energy industry.
The goal of cost-effectiveness must be compatible with the goals of climate protection and the supply task. The supply task in particular will change rapidly in the transformation of the gas sector.
For the transmission system operators, the transformation of the infrastructure has already begun with the planning of the hydrogen core network. In regulatory terms, their implementation will already be in full swing in the middle of the 4th regulatory period and the next base year (2025). The basic prerequisite for the financial viability of the transformation and the associated enormous investment requirements is that there continues to be a level playing field in terms of regulation and that no infrastructure is disadvantaged by poorer investment conditions when raising capital. Rather, the respective special features must be taken into account appropriately.
Our short statement is available in the downloads.