
Artikelart: In the media

Hydrogen core network: a signal for the market ramp-up

Hydrogen is a key prerequisite for the decarbonization of industry and thus for Germany as a business location. The energy transition cannot succeed without hydrogen. We therefore need an appropriate infrastructure as quickly as possible.

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Hydrogen core network: the long-awaited dawn of the hydrogen economy

The hydrogen core network is the starting signal for the hydrogen ramp-up. It solves the so-called chicken-and-egg problem and creates an infrastructure on the basis of which the hydrogen market can develop.

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„National hydrogen grid company would have no discernible added value“

Munich (energate) – With the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy, the Federal Ministry of Economics has proposed the establishment of a hydrogen network company with state participation. Opposition came promptly from the Bavarian state government. In the Free State, the long-distance network operator bayernets is already working on a hydrogen start-up network. energate spoke with Stefanie Jacobi, Hydrogen Project Development and Deputy Head of Grid Strategy & Innovation at bayernets GmbH, about the project and the proposal from Berlin.

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“Germany must set the pace for hydrogen ramp-up”

How can the development of the supraregional hydrogen network be financed and accelerated? And what are grid operators doing to ensure that hydrogen can also contribute to energy supply security as quickly as possible?

Barbara Fischer, Head of Policy, Communication and Strategy at FNB Gas, and Christoph Diehn, Energy Policy and Hydrogen Officer at terranets bw, answer these questions in an interview with gwf Gas + Energie and talk about how a rapid build-up of the hydrogen network and thus the market ramp-up can succeed.

You can find the complete interview on the gwf Gas + Energie website and in the downloads below.


Interview with gwf Gas + Energie
PDF / 395 kB