
Resort: Network Development Plan

Network operators set up coordination office for integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen

The newly established Coordination Office for Integrated Gas and Hydrogen Network Development Planning (KO.NEP) officially starts work today.

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A total of 1724 project applications received

Thank you for your interest in the Germany-wide survey of infrastructure requirements for the electricity and hydrogen grid. The market survey for hydrogen projects (WEB) received a total of 1724 project notifications. On expiry of the deadline on 22.03.2024, the reported data was write-protected and is considered reported. The registered projects remain in the associated database and can still be viewed – but not changed or deleted – by project registrants after March 22, 2024.

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Transmission system operators publish the final Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032

With the final Network Development Plan (NDP) Gas 2022-2032 published today, the transmission system operators are presenting their plans for a secure and sustainable gas supply in Germany. The transmission system operators are thus implementing the BNetzA’s amendment request of December 21, 2023. The process of the NDP Gas 2022-2032 is therefore complete.

Detailed information on the NEP Gas 2022-2032 is provided in the publicly accessible NEP Gas database.


Gas network development plan 2022-2032
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TSOs request capacity reservations and capacity expansion entitlements pursuant to sections 38/39 GasNZV for storage, production and LNG facilities and power plants

Preparatory work for the first integrated network development plan for gas and hydrogen 2025 continues to progress

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Integrated network planning for the energy system of the future: TSOs launch first joint market survey

The first joint survey of infrastructure requirements by the transmission system operators (TSOs) for the preparation of the scenario framework drafts for the electricity, gas and hydrogen network development plans starts today.

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Integrated network planning for the energy system of the future: First joint market survey by TSOs starts on February 7, 2024

The electricity and gas TSOs are now setting a milestone for sector coupling with the first joint survey of infrastructure requirements for electricity and hydrogen. The network operators will use specially developed web applications to ask existing and potential customers about their future needs. Based on this information, the grid operators can develop the corresponding infrastructure in line with demand and thus ensure a reliable energy supply for the future.

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Position paper of the FNB Gas for necessary adjustments within the framework of the EnWG amendment on the financing framework for the hydrogen core network and future integrated network planning

tzes at first reading. FNB Gas welcomes the submission of a draft law to create a legal and regulatory framework for financing the hydrogen core network and to anchor integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen. This amendment to the Energy Industry Act is a prerequisite for the realization of the core grid and at the same time lays the foundation for the next expansion stages of the hydrogen infrastructure. This marks another important milestone on the way to establishing a hydrogen economy.

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Transmission system operators on the path towards the hydrogen future

FNB Gas e.V. is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. On this occasion, the association discussed with guests from politics, the energy sector and industry at the hydrogen infrastructure conference how the market ramp-up of hydrogen can be further accelerated together.

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FNB Gas statement on the BMWK’s draft bill for a third law amending the Energy Industry Act (EnWG)

FNB Gas welcomes the draft legislation that enshrines the second stage of the development of a Germany-wide hydrogen network in law and thus further supports the acceleration of the hydrogen market ramp-up. Combining network development planning for the natural gas network and the future hydrogen network is in line with previous experience of transmission system operators, according to which both processes have multiple interactions and interdependencies and can therefore only be carried out efficiently in a single integrated network planning process.

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Transmission system operators publish 2023 implementation report with updated L-H gas conversion planning

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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A milestone on the way to the diversification of import sources and permanent independence from Russian gas

Today, the German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) presented their draft Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032, which reflects the fundamental shift in Germany’s energy supply. The proposal is designed to facilitate the changes needed for the network to accommodate the new LNG supplies into Germany and Europe and allow greater use of western import routes while also reflecting reduced gas demand as well as efforts to switch to hydrogen with a view to making Germany fully independent of Russian gas.

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Invitation – Consultation Workshop on the German Gas NDP 2022-2032

The German transmission system operators would like to invite you to a web-based workshop on the occasion of the publication of the consultation document on the Network Development Plan Gas 2022-2032.

The web-based workshop will be held on January 24, 2023 from 10:00 am to approximately 3:00 pm.

All information about the workshop can be found in the pdf document in the downloads. Please confirm your attendance by emailing by January 19, 2023.


Invitation Consultation Workshop Gas NDP 2022-2032
PDF / 300 kB

Transmission capacities for LNG facilities help to ensure secure energy supplies

Transmission system operators (TSOs) today launch the consultation on the 2022-2032 gas network development plan (NEP Gas). The new LNGplus supply security variants take into account the profound changes in the energy supply situation. Measures to connect LNG plants and provide the necessary transport capacities are being implemented at full speed by the TSOs. The first grid connections for LNG plants will be completed by the end of 2022.

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Consultation on expanded Scenario Framework for Gas NDP 2022-2032 gets underway

  • Three new modelling variants (LNGplus security of supply variants) for replacing Russian gas volumes with LNG and hydrogen
  • Updated natural gas demand forecasts for the LNGplus variants
  • 30 September 2022: Deadline for capacity reservation and network expansion requests for LNG facilities (sections 38 and 39 of Gas Network Access Ordinance – GasNZV)
  • 16 October 2022: Deadline for comments on the expanded Scenario Framework
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Transmission system operators announce consultation

  • Three new modelling variants (LNGplus) for replacing Russian natural gas with LNG and hydrogen
  • Updated demand forecasts for natural gas for LNGplus
  • Three-week consultation on an expanded Scenario Framework commences on 26 September 2022
  • Deadline for capacity reservation and network expansion requests for LNG facilities expires on 30 September 2022
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TSOs present hydrogen report: This is what we need to successfully develop the hydrogen infrastructure

Germany must accelerate the ramp-up of hydrogen in order to secure supplies and promote climate protection. The hydrogen report submitted today by the transmission system operators in accordance with Section 28q of the German Energy Act (EnWG) shows how the necessary transport infrastructure can be built efficiently, quickly and in a targeted manner by integrating hydrogen network planning into the tried-and-tested gas network planning.

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Statement by FNB Gas on the determination of imputed useful lives of natural gas pipeline structures (“KANU”)

FNB Gas expressly welcomes the fact that the Federal Network Agency intends to create the possibility of reducing the useful lives of gas network investments or making them more flexible by means of the “KANU” definition put out for consultation.

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Special times require special measures

In recent weeks and months, the TSOs have been working flat out to provide initial answers to the new gas industry conditions resulting from Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine as part of the current gas network development plan.

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New stamp fee as of 01.01.2023 for the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE)

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Postponement of the publication of the gas network development plan 2022-2032

Due to the current geopolitical situation, the transmission system operators intend to take the significant changes in the context of the German gas industry into account in the Gas Network Development Plan 2022 – 2032.

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Pipeline network infrastructures for the development of the potential German hydrogen network within the NEP Gas 2022-2032.

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Start of modeling of the hydrogen variant in the NDP Gas 2022-2032

In a publication dated December 17, 2021, FNB Gas e.V. called on current and potential hydrogen network operators to participate in the development of the process for a common hydrogen network in Germany. The invitation of the transmission system operators was accepted by 12 potential hydrogen network operators and together with the transmission system operators they developed, intensively discussed and approved the process.

On March 21, the modeling for the hydrogen variant will be started by potential hydrogen network operators who have participated in the process development of the positive planning and/or have reported pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen transport as well as the transmission system operators. Until the modeling of the hydrogen variant of the Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032 is completed in May 2022, regular workshops will be held among stakeholders to develop the hydrogen variant.


Projektmeldungen WEB_MoU (Anlage 2)
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Statement of FNB Gas on the publication of DENA Network Study III

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Publication of draft Gas NDP 2022-2032 scheduled for July 1, 2022.

The transmission system operators (TSOs) intend to publish the draft gas network development plan for 2022-2032 on July 1, 2022, and submit it to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

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Development of the future German hydrogen network within the framework of the hydrogen variant of the Gas NDP 2022-2032.

  • Invitation to further process participation until 31.01.2022
  • Extension of the possibility to report pipeline network infrastructures until 18.03.2022
  • Publication of the results of the call 05.10.2021
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Large hydrogen demand confirmed by MoU

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Market partners report strong increase in demand for hydrogen and green gases

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas Network Development Plan becomes German transparency platform for hydrogen market ramp-up

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas TSOs start to prepare Scenario Framework for the Gas NDP 2022-2032

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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Gas transmission system operators launch second part of the consultation

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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new transmission capacities to be created

Excerpt: Text for the overview pages

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