The process for the network development plan (NEP) for gas consists of three building blocks for which the German transmission system operators are responsible: the scenario framework, the draft network development plan, and initial public consultation procedures.
The requirements of the NDP Gas are defined by the Energy Industry Act (EnWG §15a), which was amended in June 2011, and by the EU-wide network development plan (Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009). All elaborations of the transmission system operators are submitted to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for review and made available to the authorities, important market participants, and the public for comments on the FNB Gas website. The final NDP is developed from the first draft of the scenario framework in nine phases.
Typical steps in the preparation of the Gas Network Development Plan (NDP)
The NDP Gas is based on various scenarios and modelling assumptions, which are published for comment as part of a consultation process. The scenario framework shall be prepared, inter alia, by a scientific expert on behalf of the transmission system operators.
Involved Stakeholders
Transmission System Operators
Consultation Document
In the scenario framework, transmission system operators shall make assumptions on the development of production, supply, and consumption of gas and its exchanges with other countries over the next ten years. For example, planned investments in regional and community-wide network infrastructure as well as in storage and LNG regasification facilities shall also be taken into account. For a set period, market participants have the opportunity to comment.
Involved Stakeholders
Public / Market Participants
The transmission system operators will revise the scenario framework based on the comments and consultation results received.
Involved Stakeholders
Transmission System Operators
The revised version of the scenario framework (draft) is submitted to the Federal Network Agency. The Agency confirms the scenario framework, taking into account the results of public participation.
Involved Stakeholders
Federal Network Agency
Final Document
Scenario Framework
Based on the specifications of the confirmed scenario framework, the transmission system operators shall prepare the consultation document of the network development plan for gas (NDP) and consult it with the market participants.
Involved Stakeholders
Transmission System Operators
Consultation Document
The NDP development closely involves all relevant market participants. In a transparent procedure, they have the opportunity to comment publicly and to formulate their requirements for the gas network of the future.
Involved Stakeholders
Public / Market Participants
Based on the comments and consultation results received, the network development plan is revised by the transmission system operators, published, and submitted to the BNetzA.
Involved Stakeholders
Transmission System Operators
Draft NDP
A final public consultation of the draft NDP will be coordinated by the BNetzA. Following publication of the consultation results, the BNetzA can then request amendments to the gas network development plan (NDP) from the transmission system operators (amendment requests).
Involved Stakeholders
Public / Federal Network Agency
Draft NDP
Finally, the BNetzA confirms and publishes the completed gas network development plan (NDP).
Involved Stakeholders
Federal Network Agency / Transmission System Operators
Final Document
Network Development Plan
Transmission system operators shall produce an implementation report every two years, in odd-numbered years. In this report, the TSOs report on the project progress on the measures taking place based on the network development plan. It also provides information on modified, canceled, and delayed measures.
The BNetzA shall review and publish the implementation report and allow all actual and potential network users to comment. The outcome of the comments may be incorporated into specifications for the next network development plan or in other regulatory procedures.
Involved Stakeholders
Transmission System Operators, BNetzA
Final Document