With the Network Development Plan (NEP) Gas, the German transmission system operators present an integrated plan for network expansion every two years, which describes essential positions on the way to a secure, environmentally compatible and economic supply of natural gas in the future. It is preceded by the detailed scenario framework. Every two years, an implementation report contains the measures from past network development plans that have been implemented up to the time of preparation.
Status in the project cycle
In progress
These documents are created in the process of the network development plan
With the scenario framework, the transmission system operators present theoretical assumptions on the development of production, supply and consumption of gas as well as its exchange with other countries over the next ten years.
It shall take into account planned investments in regional and Community-wide network infrastructure, storage facilities and LNG regasification facilities, as well as the impact of any supply disruptions. In the elaboration of the various scenarios, a link is also established with the scenario framework of the electricity transmission system operators.
Based on the assumptions of the scenario framework confirmed by the BNetzA, the transmission system operators draft the network development plan for the German gas transmission system. The gas flows for the next ten years are modelled accordingly.
The NDP contains all effective measures for optimising, reinforcing and expanding the grid in line with demand, and for ensuring security of supply, which are required in grid terms for secure and reliable grid operation over the next ten years. In addition, the NDP focuses on all grid expansion measures that need to be carried out in the next three years.
According to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG § 15b p.1), transmission system operators are obliged to prepare a joint implementation report every odd-numbered year.
The report must contain information on the status of implementation of the most recently published network development plan and the main reasons for any delays in implementation. The BNetzA shall review and publish the implementation report and give all actual and potential network users the opportunity to comment. The outcome of the comments may be incorporated into specifications for the next network development plan or in other regulatory procedures.