Network development plan 2018

18.07.2019 | Addendum

Transmission system operators publish addendum to gas network development plan 2018-2028

Today, the transmission system operators publish the Addendum to the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028.

Addendum to the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028
PDF / 0.12MB
20.03.2019 | Confirmation

Transmission system operators to invest €6.9 billion in expanding their gas infrastructure by 2028

  • Final version of the network development plan 2018-2028 published
  • 155 confirmed measures for long-term security of gas supply in Germany
  • Three TENP measures included

With the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 (Gas NDP 2018) submitted today to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and published on the FNB Gas website, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) present their comprehensive network expansion plan for a future-proof gas supply.

The NDP 2018 comprises 155 measures with an investment volume of around EUR 6.9 billion. The pipeline network will be extended by 1,364 km, and a total of 499 MW of compressor capacity will also be added. Detailed information on the NDP 2018 is provided in the publicly accessible Gas NDP database .

“The NDP 2018 reflects the continuity of the expansion measures, takes into account the additional European import demand and highlights the importance of the gas infrastructure for the energy turnaround,” emphasizes Inga Posch, Managing Director of the Association of Transmission System Operators Gas e.V. (FNB Gas).

“The topic of sector coupling as well as the possible integration of green gases will come into even sharper focus in the upcoming NDP 2020,” FNB Gas Board Chairman Ralph Bahke gives an outlook. The TSOs have fully implemented the BNetzA’s request for changes. Three TENP network expansion measures were included in the NDP 2018. The implementation of these measures was started immediately. Completion is planned by the end of 2024.

The review of alternative measures for the future H-gas supply of the East Frisia region in the Bunde/ Leer area was submitted to the BNetzA in due time. An implementation decision by the BNetzA on this is pending.

Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028
10.71MB / PDF
PDF Press release: Confirmation of gas network development plan 2018-2028 of 20.03.2019
0.17MB / PDF
01.08.2018 | Revision

Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028: TSOs publish network expansion proposal for TENP security of supply variant

The transmission system operators (TSOs) propose to build 54 km of additional transport infrastructure in the TENP (Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline) security of supply variant in addition to the draft network development plan (NDP) gas 2018-2028. Specifically, three network expansion measures with a combined investment volume of EUR 171 million are to be implemented. The TSOs submitted the corresponding draft to the BNetzA today.

Draft security of supply variant TENP for the gas network development plan 2018-2028
PDF / 1.6MB
Comments Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028
ZIP / 3.43MB
PDF Press release: Consulted security of supply variant TENP of 01.08.2018.
PDF / 0.32MB
10.07.2018 | Workshop

Workshop on the occasion of the consultation on the security of supply variant TENP

The German transmission system operators held a workshop in Frankfurt on July 10 on the occasion of the consultation on the TENP security of supply variant.

Market participants have until July 13 to send their comments on the TENP security of supply alternative to

Workshop on the consultation of the network development plan gas 2018-2028: Security of supply variant TENP
PDF / 1.4MB
02.07.2018 | Addendum

Transmission system operators launch consultation on TENP security of supply variant

With today’s publication of the security of supply variant TENP (Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline), in addition to the draft Gas Network Development Plan (Gas NDP ) 2018-2028, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) start the two-week consultation.

With the security of supply variant, the transmission system operators are investigating the theoretically conceivable case of a continuation of the currently restricted transport situation on TENP I beyond October 01, 2020.

The transmission system operators have examined several variants in view of the security of supply in Baden-Württemberg and the demand in the direction of Switzerland and Italy. Two variants were fully modeled by the transmission system operators and the required network expansion measures were determined.

Consultation document Security of supply variant TENP for the gas network development plan 2018-2028
PDF / 1.5MB
PDF Press release: launch of the consultation of the security of supply variant TENP of 02.07.2018.
PDF / 0.31MB
12.06.2018 | Consultation

Accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the security of supply variant TENP.

On the occasion of the publication of the consultation document on the security of supply variant TENP planned for July 02, 2018, the German transmission system operators invite to a workshop in Frankfurt.

This workshop is intended to continue the dialog with market participants. The transmission system operators would like to give you the opportunity to submit your questions and suggestions.

The workshop will take place on July 10, 2018, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Airport Conference Center in Frankfurt Airport Center 1, Frankfurt Airport.

Invitation to the accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the security of supply variant TENP
PDF / 0.36MB
Invitation – consultation workshop on the TENP supply security scenario
PDF / 0.37MB
29.03.2018 | Draft

German transmission system operators submit draft gas network development plan 2018-2028 to BNetzA

With the draft of the Gas Network Development Plan (Gas NDP) 2018-2028 submitted today to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and published on the FNB Gas website, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) present a comprehensive network expansion plan for a future-proof natural gas supply until 2028.

During the public consultation, in which 33 comments were received, the majority of market participants were in favor of the TSOs’ network expansion proposal. The network expansion measures identified in the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 can provide capacities for, among other things, the additional exit demand at border crossing points in the amount of 66 GW and exit capacities for the L-H gas conversion in the amount of 70 GW.

Gas Draft Network Development Plan 2018-2028
PDF / 7.7MB
Comments on the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028
ZIP / 21.67MB
PDF Press release: Publication of draft gas network development plan 2018-2028 of 29.03.2018
PDF / 0.31MB
20.02.2018 | Workshop

On 20.02. the workshop on the consultation document Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 took place

On the occasion of the consultation on the Gas NDP 2018-2028, the transmission system operators held a workshop in which representatives of all stages of the value chain participated. In addition to expert presentations by the transmission system operators, the Federal Network Agency presented its initial assessment of the consultation document.

Consultation workshop Gas NDP 2018-2028: Agenda + Outlook
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Consultation workshop Gas NDP 2018-2028: Development of L-gas supply | Security of supply scenario
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Consultation workshop Gas NDP 2018-2028: Development of H-gas supply
PDF / 0.85MB
Consultation workshop Gas NDP 2018-2028: Modeling variants | Results storage variant | Security of supply variant TENP
PDF / 0.64MB
Consultation workshop Gas NDP 2018-202: Modeling results base case and network expansion measures
PDF / 3.28MB
Workshop on the consultation of the Gas NDP 2018-2028: Initial assessment and timetable of the Federal Network Agency
PDF / 0.15MB
12.02.2018 | Consultation

Gas network development plan 2018 confirms continuity of expansion measures, takes into account additional European import requirements, and addresses the importance of gas infrastructure for the energy transition

The German transmission system operators (TSOs) today launched the discussion on the Gas Network Development Plan (Gas NDP ) 2018-2028 with the publication of the consultation document. An accompanying workshop will be held in Berlin on February 20. The consultation document is based on the scenario framework confirmed by the Federal Network Agency in mid-December 2017.

With the Gas NDP 2018-2028, which envisages an investment volume of around €7.0 billion by the end of 2028, the TSOs are outlining measures to ensure that Germany will continue to have a secure supply of gas in the future. A particular focus continues to be on the market area conversion against the background of declining L-gas production volumes in Germany and Europe. “The process of market area conversion, i.e. the replacement of German and Dutch L-gas by H-gas, enjoys top priority in the Gas NDP 2018-2028 now presented,” emphasizes Ralph Bahke, FNB Gas Board Chairman. “The conversion of the market areas continues to be a major challenge for the German gas industry, also because future Dutch L-gas production is not clearly predictable at present.” The current changeover concept means that further changeover areas can be brought forward; this applies in particular to industrial customers. Further acceleration measures are being examined.

In addition, the TSOs are investigating for the first time what output from gas storage facilities is required at the end of a winter. “The storage variant provides a sound basis for assessing the security of gas supply also locally for the end of a winter. This also makes it possible to initiate market-based measures to ensure security of supply,” says FNB Gas Managing Director Inga Posch, explaining the reasons for this modeling variant. A key background to the modeling variant was the early massive storage depletion in winter 2016/17 in Germany due to low temperatures and high sales combined with arbitrage opportunities in gas trading markets.

In total, the TSOs propose to expand the transmission network by 1,390 km compared to today’s status and to install new compressor capacity amounting to 508 MW in order to secure the required transport demand for Germany and Central Europe. The consultation document confirms the measures included in the Gas NDP 2016-2026 in the amount of €3.9 billion. In terms of new infrastructure, the EUGAL project, which will transport gas volumes from Nord Stream 2 from the Lubmin II border crossing point to the Czech Republic in particular, is included for the first time. The TSOs assume that the costs of this project will be borne by the revenues from the bookings of the new capacity created as a result. The Gas NDP 2018-2028 also considers capacities in connection with a planned German LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel for the first time.

TSOs believe that the existing gas infrastructure will make a significant and economically valuable contribution in the future energy system. Therefore, the consultation document on the Gas NDP 2018-2028, which has now been published, includes a separate chapter presenting the value of gas infrastructure in the context of sector coupling, the smart connection of existing gas, electricity, heat and mobility infrastructures. The consultation document for the Gas NDP 2018-2028 is published on the FNB Gas website (

Consultation document Gas NDP 2018-2028
PDF / 7.37MB
PDF Press release: Publication of consultation document Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 of 12.02.2018.
PDF / 0.3MB
22.01.2018 | Consultation

Invitation to the accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the network development plan gas 2018-2028

German gas transmission system operators plan to publish the consultation document of the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 on February 12, 2018. The basis for the preparation of the Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028 is the scenario framework confirmed by the Federal Network Agency, which was prepared by Prognos AG on behalf of the transmission system operators.

The accompanying workshop is intended to continue the dialog with market participants and give you the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions about the Gas Network Development Plan.

The workshop will take place on February 20, 2018, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hotel Melia Berlin, Friedrichstraße 103, 10117 Berlin.

Invitation to the accompanying workshop on the occasion of the consultation of the network development plan gas 2018-2028
PDF / 0.38MB
Invitation – consultation workshop on the German Gas Network Development Plan 2018-2028
PDF / 0.37MB


Status in the project cycle