H2 Start Net 2030 (from the NDP Gas 2020-2030)

From vision to implementation

The planning for a hydrogen network in the Network Development Plan (NDP) Gas 2020-2030 confirms essential parts of the Visionary H2 network of January 2020.

A first hydrogen network (H2 Start Net 2030), which is necessary for the development of a hydrogen economy in Germany, can be realised promptly and at a reasonable cost.

The NDP Gas consultation document published by the transmission system operators on 4 May 2020 includes concrete steps for the development of an H2 network. With the conversion of the first pipelines starting as early as the end of 2022, the core for a Germany-wide H2 network will gradually be created by 2030 (especially in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony).

H2 Start Net 2030 (shown in blue)

The H2 Start Net 2030 with a length of more than 1,200 km mainly connects demand centres in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony with green gas projects for hydrogen production in Northern Germany.

The length of the initial network in 2030 is already more than one-fifth of the length of the visionary H2 network, with the largest part being implemented through conversion and only about 100 km of new construction planned. An initial connection for imports via the Netherlands is also planned. The starting point for the H2 Start Net 2030 were the projects identified in the market partner survey of the FNB Gas on green gas projects with 31 reports. Among these are projects of large industrial customers, such as steel mills and projects at refinery sites.

With the NDP Gas 2020, the processes established for the development of the natural gas infrastructure were also used for hydrogen for the first time. This circumstance and the use of existing natural gas pipelines make it possible to push ahead rapidly with the development of the hydrogen infrastructure. By the end of 2025, investments of approximately € 290 million are estimated for the realization of the H2 Start Net, by the end of 2030 a total of approximately € 660 million. This would result in a moderate increase in transmission system charges of less than 1% in 2031.

The current legal framework makes implementation difficult

In its “request for amendment” of 19.03.2021 to the Network Development Plan (NDP Gas) 2020-2030, the Federal Network Agency rejected all measures for the conversion to hydrogen and the construction of new hydrogen infrastructure.

“Only integrated network planning will guarantee the development of a supra-regional hydrogen network as the backbone for a competitive hydrogen economy.”
Dr. Thomas Gößmann, Vorstandsvorsitzender FNB Gas

Nevertheless, the TSOs recognise in the “request for change” the BNetzA’s endeavour to build bridges to be able to start converting the first natural gas pipelines to hydrogen. This includes that the reinforcing measures for the new construction of natural gas infrastructure required for the conversion to hydrogen remain included in the NDP Gas 2020-2030. Since the amendment to the EnWG came into force, an “ad hoc needs assessment” has been provided for the conversion or construction of hydrogen pipelines. In this way, at least individual projects can be realised.


Karte Startnetz 2030
JPEG / 329 kB / DE
Map Starter Network 2030
JPEG / 233 kB / EN
Starternetz 2030 Erläuterung
PDF / 260 kB / DE
Starter Network Explanatory Note
PDF / 258 kB / EN