Hydrogen core network

A milestone for the energy transition: On 22.10.2024, the Federal Network Agency approved the construction of the Germany-wide hydrogen core network. Europe’s largest hydrogen network will be created by 2032, making it an important pillar of the climate-neutral energy system of the future.

Key data of the approved hydrogen core network

The total length of the approved core network is 9,040 km. The core network consists mainly of converted natural gas pipelines (approx. 60%). The investment costs amount to € 18.9 billion. The feed-in and exit capacities amount to around 101 GW and 87 GW respectively. In addition to the TSO measures, infrastructure from ten DSO core network operators was also approved (468 km).

The core grid meets the targets set out in the EnWG for a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient, climate-friendly and rapidly realizable hydrogen grid by the target year 2032. In order to create more flexibility in the implementation of the projects, the EnWG also provides for the possibility of deferring individual approved core grid measures if certain measures only prove necessary at a later date up to 2037.

The core network puts Germany at the forefront of infrastructure development in Europe. It is the starting signal and the basis for the development of the hydrogen market. The TSOs are thus making an advance payment: the core network is the offer to the market, it comes for the market and continues to develop with it.

With the hydrogen core network, we are laying the foundation for a new energy system. It offers a historic opportunity for Germany to position itself as a pioneer in the hydrogen economy. In doing so, we are making an advance contribution to transmission system operators and creating the basis for a climate-neutral industry and energy supply. The development of the H2 market is now a joint task: all players are required to actively drive forward the ramp-up. Especially in the current economic situation, this requires favorable framework conditions to trigger private investment along the entire H2 value chain.
Dr. Thomas Gößmann, Chairman of the Board FNB Gas

After approval, the TSOs begin to build the core network. The first lines are to be converted to hydrogen as early as next year.

Outlook: What still needs to be done?

The BNetzA will set the ramp-up fee in the first quarter of 2025.

Regulations also still need to be developed with regard to a market model for hydrogen, including the marketing of transport capacities. In addition, future market roles such as storage, particularly in the market ramp-up phase, have not yet been clarified.

For the market ramp-up to succeed overall, it is important that policymakers create reliable framework conditions for the hydrogen ramp-up on the generation and demand side. Another focus is on the further development of the core network in order to take additional requirements and locations into account as part of integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen (stage 2). The transformation of the distribution grids is also important for this in order to develop an area-wide hydrogen grid.

Video message from Barbara Fischer, Managing Director of FNB Gas, on the occasion of the approval of the hydrogen core network:


Approval of the hydrogen core network
PDF / 2 MB
Press release
PDF / 802 kB
Map hydrogen core network 2032
PNG / 2 MB
Annex 2 – Pipeline notifications from other potential hydrogen network operators (not part of the approval)
XLSX / 55 kB
Annex 3 – List of measures for new construction of the FNB (not part of the approval)
XLSX / 72 kB
Annex 4 – List of measures for the conversion of the FNB (not part of the approval)
XLSX / 84 kB
Annex 5 – List of natural gas enhancing measures of the TSO (not part of the approval)
XLSX / 70 kB

Looking back: From vision to mission

Since January 2020, the TSOs have been actively working on the development of the German hydrogen network. Many of the earlier considerations and experiences have been incorporated into the planning and design of the hydrogen core network. The most important milestones to date at a glance:

FNB Gas e.V. submitted the joint application of the transmission system operators for the hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency on 22.07.2024. This represents a key milestone in the realization of the core network.

Key data of the hydrogen core network according to the application of 22.07.2024

The total length of the optimized core grid according to the application is 9,666 km . Of this, 802 km is accounted for by pipelines from 16 other potential hydrogen network operators (distribution network operators). The core network consists mainly of converted natural gas pipelines (approx. 60%). The investment costs amount to € 19.7 billion. The feed-in and feed-out capacities amount to around 100 GW and 87 GW respectively.

The core grid meets the targets set out in the EnWG for a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient, climate-friendly and rapidly realizable hydrogen grid by the target year 2032. In order to create more flexibility in the implementation of the projects, the EnWG also provides for the possibility of deferring individual approved core grid measures if certain measures only prove necessary at a later date up to 2037.

The core network puts Germany at the forefront of infrastructure development in Europe. It is the starting signal and the basis for the development of the hydrogen market. The TSOs are thus making an advance payment: the core network is the offer to the market, it comes for the market and continues to develop with it.

With the core network, we are creating a central prerequisite for the successful hydrogen ramp-up in Germany and thus for the decarbonization of industry and energy supply. It gives market participants the security they need to invest in the hydrogen economy and the transformation to climate neutrality. The hydrogen ramp-up is now a joint task for all market participants.
Dr. Thomas Gößmann, Chairman of the Board FNB Gas

What are the next steps?

The BNetzA has carried out a further two-week consultation until 06.08.2024. The core network is approved by the BNetzA no later than two months after submission of the application documents. After approval, the TSOs begin to build the core network. The first lines are to be converted to hydrogen as early as next year.

Outlook: What still needs to be done?

The BNetzA will set the ramp-up fee in the second half of 2024.

In addition, the contractual arrangements for the provision and financing of the amortization account for the construction of a hydrogen core network still have to be drawn up.

Regulations also still need to be developed with regard to a market model for hydrogen, including the marketing of transport capacities. In addition, future market roles such as storage, particularly in the market ramp-up phase, have not yet been clarified.

For the market ramp-up to succeed overall, it is important that policymakers create reliable framework conditions for the hydrogen ramp-up on the generation and demand side. Another focus is on the further development of the core network in order to take additional requirements and locations into account as part of integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen (stage 2). The transformation of the distribution grids is also important for this in order to develop an area-wide hydrogen grid.


Application for hydrogen core network (DE)
PDF / 4 MB
Application for hydrogen core network (EN)
PDF / 5 MB
Annex 1 – Project overview hydrogen core network
XLSX / 201 kB
Annex 2 – Line reports from other potential hydrogen network operators
XLSX / 72 kB
Annex 3 – List of measures for new construction of the FNB
XLSX / 73 kB
Annex 4 – List of measures for the conversion of the FNB
XLSX / 87 kB
Annex 5 – List of natural gas enhancing measures of the TSOs
XLSX / 66 kB
Annex 6 – Detailed map of measures
PDF / 2 MB
Annex 6 – Detailed map of measures (supplement diff. new building conversion)
PDF / 2 MB
Press release core network application
PDF / 259 kB
Contact for FNB core network measures
XLSX / 70 kB
Hydrogen core network map
PNG / 2 MB
Hydrogen core network map
PDF / 419 kB

On November 15, 2023, FNB Gas e.V. submitted the draft application for the hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. This marks the next milestone in the realization of the core network.

Key data of the hydrogen core network design

The total length of the optimized core grid is around 9,700 km . Of this, 710 km is accounted for by pipelines from 17 other potential hydrogen network operators, which the TSOs received as part of the opportunity to comment on the first planning status by 28.7.2023. The core network consists mainly of converted natural gas pipelines (approx. 60%). The investment costs amount to € 19.8 billion €. The feed-in and feed-out capacities amount to around 100 GW and 87 GW respectively. The draft of the core grid thus fulfills the goals of a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient and quickly realizable hydrogen grid by the target year 2032, as set out in the EnWG amendment on the hydrogen core grid. This puts Germany at the forefront of infrastructure development in Europe.

What are the next steps?

The Federal Network Agency consulted the FNB’s draft application via its website until January 8, 2024 and then evaluated and reviewed the results of the consultation. The TSOs will take the results into account in their final joint application for the core grid in consultation with the BNetzA.

The submission deadline for the joint application for the core network was set by the BNetzA in accordance with Art. § Section 28q para. 2 sentence 2 EnWG initially refers to the May 21, 2024 extended. However, the EnWG stipulates that, insofar as the energy supply 10 and § 28s para. 6 EnWG has not been granted at the latest one week before the expiry of the extended application deadline, the BNetzA will extend the application deadline by a further month in each case. As this state aid approval from Brussels was not available by the deadline of May 14, 2024, the BNetzA initially postponed the deadline to May 14, 2024. June 21, 2024 and subsequently to the July 22, 2024 postponed.

Development of the hydrogen core network

The hydrogen core network will be built up successively until 2032, starting with the first pipeline conversion in 2025. The planned commissioning of the annual expansion stages of the core network in the years up to 2032 can be seen in the following diagram.


Draft application H2 core network in German
PDF / 995 kB
Draft application H2 core network (EN)
PDF / 2 MB
Draft application H2 core network Press release
PDF / 615 kB
Draft H2 core network map
PNG / 1 MB
Draft H2 core network map with logo
PNG / 2 MB
Appendix 1 Project overview
Excel / 178 kB
Appendix 2 List of measures for other H2 grid operators
Excel / 55 kB
Appendix 3 List of measures FNB
Excel / 132 kB
Appendix 4 Detailed map of measures
PDF / 2 MB

July 2023

On July 12, 2023, the transmission system operators published the planning status for a supraregional hydrogen core network by 2032. This planning status does not yet correspond to the final draft of the hydrogen core network. The route variants presented will be evaluated and optimized in subsequent steps, taking into account reports received as part of the “opportunity to comment” from potential hydrogen network operators. The pipelines shown have a length of around 11,200 km. The TSOs expect the hydrogen core network to be smaller after optimization.

A total of 309 hydrogen projects were considered in the hydrogen core network scenario. The feed-in capacities for hydrogen total 101 GW. Other feeds include, in particular, imports via ship terminals where hydrogen transported in another form, such as LOHC or ammonia, is fed into the hydrogen grid as a gas. The core grid can provide 87 GW of exit power for hydrogen supply.

Opportunity for network operators to comment by July 28

Based on the published planning status for the hydrogen core network, operators of distribution networks, hydrogen network operators and operators of other pipeline infrastructures pursuant to § 28r para. 5 EnWG until July 28 to comment on and report further hydrogen infrastructures for the hydrogen core network. For the feedback to info@fnb-gas.de, the TSOs have provided a corresponding form on the website of the TSO Gas. Subsequently, the reported pipeline infrastructures are checked for their use in the planning of the hydrogen core network by the transmission system operators and taken into account in the final modeling, provided that they meet the legal and technical requirements for integration into the hydrogen core network and the infrastructure is necessary for the transport requirements.

Opportunity for other stakeholders to comment to BMWK by July 28.

The amendment to the EnWG provides for the central hydrogen sources (generation and import) to be connected to the main consumption centers and hydrogen storage facilities via a Germany-wide hydrogen core network. As a basis for this, a scenario was developed under the leadership of the BMWK and the BNetzA and coordinated with the TSOs, within the framework of which the modeling of the hydrogen core network takes place. Based on the current planning status, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection is also giving states, associations and other stakeholders until July 28 to comment on the development of a Germany-wide, efficient, quickly realizable and expandable hydrogen core network. This gives stakeholders – where necessary and in line with Section 28r (4) EnWG-E and the scenario – the opportunity to present arguments for the inclusion of further pipeline infrastructures in the hydrogen core network. Comments may be submitted to the following BMWK email address: WASSERSTOFFKERNNETZ@bmwk.bund.de

Core network as starting point for future integrated hydrogen network planning

The hydrogen core network is the starting signal for the hydrogen ramp-up. It will cover the needs according to the criteria defined by law. Any additional requirements should be taken into account promptly in a second step as part of the future regulatory process for integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen. The TSOs had already submitted corresponding proposals in this regard in September 2022 with the publication of the hydrogen report in accordance with Section 28p of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), which were drawn up jointly with the distribution system operators, among others.

More information

In an official FAQ, the BMWK has already addressed and answered initial questions about the core network. To answer your questions, FNB invite industry representatives from companies and associations to a virtual hydrogen lunch at Microsoft Teams on July 14, 2023 at 12:00 pm. Please log on to info@fnb-gas.de. You will then be sent the dial-up data.

The hydrogen core network as the first expansion stage forms the basic framework of the future hydrogen infrastructure. Following this, the processes for integrated gas network planning (hydrogen and natural gas) must now be anchored in law as quickly as possible so that future requirements for hydrogen can be incorporated into further network planning. As part of the interim report pursuant to Section 112b (1) sentence 2 EnWG(BT-Drucksache 20/7915) of July 27, the German government outlined initial proposals for a concept for the further development of the hydrogen network infrastructure.

Learn more


Planning status H2 core network
PDF / 2 MB
Planning status H2 core network Press release
PDF / 773 kB
Planning status H2 core network Map
PNG / 1 MB
Pipeline network infrastructure notification form
Excel / 41 kB

July 2022

The hydrogen network 2032 presented in the interim status for the NEP Gas 2022-2032 shows the result of the modeling of a Germany-wide hydrogen network for the year 2032 based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) requirements, the results of the NEP Gas 2020-2030 and the pipeline reports of the transmission system operators and other potential hydrogen network operators as well as on existing parallel pipeline systems in the transmission system.

Transmission system operators were able to conclude letters of intent with more than 250 project sponsors for a transport demand of 165 TWh, of which about 90% can be connected to the hydrogen grid in 2032. The modeling results in a hydrogen network with a pipeline length of 7,600-8,500 km by 2032.

Learn more


NDP Gas 2022-2032 Interim status
PDF / 16 MB
NDP Gas 2022-2032 Interim Status Annex 2
Excel / 679 kB
NDP Gas 2022-2032 Interim Status Annex 3
Excel / 78 kB
NDP Gas 2022-2032 Interim Status Annex 4
PDF / 23 MB
Summary NDP Gas 2022-2032 Interim Status
PDF / 377 kB
Press Release Publication NEP Gas 2022-2032 Interim Status
PDF / 225 kB

December 2021

At the same time as the H2 Grid 2030, the FNB publishes the hydrogen grid for a climate-neutral Germany (in short: H2 Grid 2050), and shows that they can construct such a grid in an economically efficient and reliable manner at moderate investment costs. The H2 network 2050 has been further developed by the TSOs from the “Visionary Hydrogen Network” published in January 2020. For the first time, the H2 grid 2050 is based on detailed grid planning.

The 2050 H2 network is about 13,300 km long, of which more than 80 percent is based on converted gas pipelines. It can provide an energy quantity of 504 TWh (calorific value), with a peak offtake of around 110 GWh/h of hydrogen.

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Leitungsumstellung und -neubau

Interaktive Karte –
Zum Aktivieren eines Sektors bitte auf das jeweilige Symbol klicken
  • Umstellung
  • Raffinerien
    Verbrauch: 3,6 TWh
  • Stahlindustrie
    Verbrauch: 93,2 TWh
  • Chemie
    Verbrauch: 243,4 TWh
  • Verkehr

    Verbrauch: 89,4 TWh
  • Wärme
    58 TWh (Fernwärme, H2-Beimischung, Umstellung)
  • Power-to-Gas
    Jahresmengen: 164 TWh
    Inst. Leistung: 63 GWel
  • Kavernenspeicher
    Ausspeicherleistung: 69 GW
    Einspeicherleistung: 23 GW
    10,6 Mrd. Nm3 (= 32 TWh)
  • Importe
Bei den Karten handelt es sich um eine schematische Darstellung von Leitungstrassen, in denen auch mehrere Leitungen parallel verlaufen können. Leitungstrassen, in denen sowohl umgestellte Leitungen als auch Neubauleitungen parallel verlaufen, werden als Umstellungen dargestellt. Alle Werte in Heizwert (Hi) dargestellt.
Leitungsumstellung und -neubauUmstellung
Leitungsumstellung und -neubau
Verbrauch: 3,6 TWh
Bedarf Industrie
Verbrauch: 93,2 TWh
Bedarf Industrie
Verbrauch: 243,4 TWh
Bedarf Industrie
Verkehr Autobahnen
Verbrauch: 89,4 TWh
Verbrauch Verkehr
58 TWh (Fernwärme, H2-Beimischung, Umstellung)
Verbrauch Wärme
Power-to-Gas (Erzeugung)
Jahresmengen: 164 TWh
Inst. Leistung: 63 GWel
Ausspeicherleistung: 69 GW
Einspeicherleistung: 23 GW
10,6 Mrd. Nm3 (= 32 TWh)
Bei den Karten handelt es sich um eine schematische Darstellung von Leitungstrassen, in denen auch mehrere Leitungen parallel verlaufen können. Leitungstrassen, in denen sowohl umgestellte Leitungen als auch Neubauleitungen parallel verlaufen, werden als Umstellungen dargestellt. Alle Werte in Heizwert (Hi) dargestellt.


Map H2 network 2050
JPEG / 215 kB
Explanatory text H2 network 2050
PDF / 985 kB
Presentation Webinar Hydrogen Networks 2030/2050
PDF / 2 MB
Chart set Scenario 4M FNB Gas
PDF / 978 kB
2050 Network Explanatory Note
PDF / 283 kB
2050 Hydrogen Network
JPG / 217 kB

December 2021

With the Hydrogen Grid 2030 (in short: H2 Grid 2030), the TSOs are demonstrating solutions as to how transport requirements can be fulfilled on a supraregional basis in a dynamic development of the hydrogen market in the near future. Compared to the H2 starter grid, the H2 grid 2030 is significantly more extensive and now also takes into account the significantly higher volume target for national hydrogen requirements set out in the National Hydrogen Strategy, in the order of 90 to 110 TWh. The basis is a scenario for the production and use of hydrogen in Germany developed together with the consulting firm 4Management based on the recognised dena Leitstudie I (TM95).[1]

The scenario on which the H2 grid 2030 is based includes a hydrogen demand of 71 TWh (calorific value). The network is about 5,100 km long, of which about 3,700 line kilometers are based on converted gas pipelines.

Learn more


Map H2 network 2030
JPEG / 234 kB / EN
Explanatory text H2 network 2030
PDF / 964 kB / EN
Presentation Webinar Hydrogen Networks 2030/2050
PDF / 2 MB
Chart set Scenario 4M FNB Gas
PDF / 861 kB
2030 Network Explanatory Note
PDF / 258 kB
Hydrogen Network 2030
JPG / 180 kB

[1] FNB Gas (2021): Scenario framework for the NEP Gas 2022-2032, p.39

May 2020

From vision to implementation: the planning for a hydrogen network in the NEP Gas 2020-2030 confirms essential parts of the visionary H2 network of January 2020. The NDP Gas consultation document published by the transmission system operators on 4 May 2020 includes concrete steps for the development of an H2 network. With the conversion of the first pipelines starting as early as the end of 2022, the core for a Germany-wide H2 network will gradually be created by 2030 (especially in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony).

The starting point for the H2 Start Net 2030 were the projects identified in the market partner survey of the FNB Gas on green gas projects with 31 reports. Among these are projects of large industrial customers, such as steel mills and projects at refinery sites. The H2 start-up network 2030, with a length of over 1,200 km, essentially connects demand centers in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony with green gas projects for hydrogen production in northern Germany.

Learn more


H2 start network with explanation
PDF / 260 kB / EN
H2-Starter network with explanatory note
PDF / 258 kB / EN

January 2020

All things begin with a vision. In January 2020, the FNB presented its vision for a first Germany-wide hydrogen infrastructure in the form of a network map for the first time. The network has a total length of 5,900 km by 2050, based 90% on existing natural gas pipelines. With the publication of the visionary hydrogen network, the FNB wanted to contribute to the hydrogen strategy announced by the German government and show a first concrete step towards the future hydrogen economy.

Learn more


FNB Gas PI publication visionary H2 map
PDF / 375 kB
Explanation of the visionary H2 map
PDF / 275 kB
Map vision for H2 network
JPG / 312 kB
Map vision for H2 network
PDF / 2 MB